LEAP Web --------------------- The LEAP Web App provides the following functions: * User registration and management * Help tickets * Client certificate renewal * Webfinger access to user’s public keys * Email aliases and forwarding * Localized and Customizable documentation Written in: Ruby, Rails. The Web App communicates with: * CouchDB is used for all data storage. * Web browsers of users accessing the user interface in order to edit their settings or fill out help tickets. Additionally, admins may delete users. * LEAP Clients access the web app’s REST API in order to register new users, authenticate existing ones, and renew client certificates. * tokens are stored upon successful authentication to allow the client to authenticate against other services LEAP Web is provisioned and run as part of the overall [LEAP platform](https://leap.se/en/docs/platform). [](https://travis-ci.org/leapcode/leap_web) Original code specific to this web application is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (version 3.0 or higher). See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html for more information. Documentation --------------------------- For more information, see these files in the ``doc`` directory: * DEPLOY -- for notes on deployment. * DEVELOP -- for developer notes. * CUSTOM -- how to customize. External docs: * [Overview of LEAP architecture](https://leap.se/en/docs/design/overview) - Bird's eye view of how all the pieces fit together. * [Contributing](https://leap.se/en/docs/get-involved) - Contributing to LEAP software development. * Contributing to LEAP software development * How to issue a pull request * Overview of the main code repositories * Ideas for discrete, unclaimed development projects that would greatly benefit the LEAP ecosystem. Known problems --------------------------- * Client certificates are generated without a CSR. The problem is that this makes the web application extremely vulnerable to denial of service attacks. This is not an issue unless the provider enables the possibility of anonymously fetching a client certificate without authenticating first. * By its very nature, the user database is vulnerable to enumeration attacks. These are very hard to prevent, because our protocol is designed to allow query of a user database via proxy in order to provide network perspective. Installation --------------------------- Typically, this application is installed automatically as part of the LEAP Platform. To install it manually for testing or development, follow these instructions: ### Install system requirements sudo apt install git ruby couchdb bundler Your actual requirements might differ if you are running an older OS that defaults to ruby 1.9. ### Download source git clone --recursive git://leap.se/leap_web ### Install required ruby libraries cd leap_web bundle --binstubs Typically, you run ``bundle`` as a normal user and it will ask you for a sudo password when it is time to install the required gems. If you don't have sudo, run ``bundle`` as root. ### Installation for development purposes Please see `doc/DEVELOP.md` for further required steps when installing leap_web for development purposes. Configuration ---------------------------- The configuration file `config/defaults.yml` providers good defaults for most values. You can override these defaults by creating a file `config/config.yml`. There are a few values you should make sure to modify: production: admins: ["myusername","otherusername"] domain: example.net force_ssl: true secret_token: "4be2f60fafaf615bd4a13b96bfccf2c2c905898dad34" client_ca_key: "./test/files/ca.key" client_ca_cert: "./test/files/ca.key" ca_key_password: nil * `admins` is an array of usernames that are granted special admin privilege. * `domain` is your fully qualified domain name. * `force_ssl`, if set to true, will require secure cookies and turn on HSTS. Don't do this if you are using a self-signed server certificate. * `secret_token`, used for cookie security, you can create one with `rake secret`. Should be at least 30 characters. * `client_ca_key`, the private key of the CA used to generate client certificates. * `client_ca_cert`, the public certificate the CA used to generate client certificates. * `ca_key_password`, used to unlock the client_ca_key, if needed. Running ----------------------------- To run leap_web: cd leap_web bin/rake db:rotate bin/rake db:migrate bin/rails server Then open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser. When running in development mode, you can login with administrative powers by creating an account with username 'staff', 'blue', or 'red' (configured in config/default.yml). To peruse the database, visit http://localhost:5984/_utils/ The task `db:rotate` must come before `db:migrate`, in order to assure that the special rotating databases get created. Do not run the normal CouchRest task 'couchrest:migrate'. Instead, use 'db:rotate' since the latter will correctly use the couchdb.admin.yml file. Testing -------------------------------- To run all tests bin/rake RAILS_ENV=test db:rotate # if not already run bin/rake RAILS_ENV=test db:migrate # if not already run bin/rake test To run an individual test: rake test TEST=certs/test/unit/client_certificate_test.rb or ruby -Itest certs/test/unit/client_certificate_test.rb