# Installation # Please see TROUBLESHOOT.md if you run into any issues during install. ## TL;DR ## Install git, ruby 1.9, rubygems and couchdb on your system. Then run ``` gem install bundler git clone git://github.com/leapcode/leap_web.git cd leap_web bundle install git submodule init git submodule update bundle exec rails server ``` You will find Leap Web running on `localhost:3000`. Check out the Cert Distribution section below for setting up the cert and server config. ## Requirements ## The webapp only depends on very basic ruby packages and installs the other requirements as gems through bundler. ### Packages ### The following packages need to be installed: * git * ruby1.9.3 * rubygems * couchdb ### Code ### Simply clone the git repository: ``` git clone git://github.com/leapcode/leap_web.git cd leap_web ``` ### Gems ### We install most gems we depend upon through [bundler](http://gembundler.com). First install bundler ``` gem install bundler ``` Then install all the required gems: ``` bundle install ``` ## Setup ## ### SRP submodule ### We currently use a git submodule to include srp-js. This will soon be replaced by a ruby gem. but for now you need to run ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` ### Provider Information ### The leap client fetches provider information via json files from the server. If you want to use that functionality please add your provider files the public/config directory. ## Running ## ``` bundle exec rails server ``` You'll find Leap Web running on `localhost:3000`