# Installation # ## Requirements ## The webapp only depends on very basic ruby packages and installs the other requirements as gems through bundler. ### Packages ### For now we are using ruby 1.8.7. The following packages need to be installed: * git * ruby1.8 * rubygems1.8 * couchdb ### Gems ### We install most gems we depend upon through [bundler](http://gembundler.com). However the bundler gem needs to be installed and the '''bundle''' command needs to be available to the user used for deploy. ### Bundler ### Run '''bundle install''' to install all the required gems. ## Setup ## ### Cert Distribution ### The Webapp can hand out certs for the EIP client. These certs are either picked from a pool in CouchDB or from a file. For now you can either run [Leap CA](http://github.com/leapcode/leap_ca) to fill the pool or you can put your certs file in config/cert. We also ship provider information through the webapp. For now please add your eip-service.json to the public/config directory. ## Running ## Run '''rails server''' or whatever rack server you prefer.