From 3cd3c261bdf02b2da5217fa1c469d30f9d92c9a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Azul <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 12:04:12 +0100
Subject: got users controller test to pass - tickets controller test next.

 users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

(limited to 'users/test/support')

diff --git a/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb b/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb
index 1be419a..18db5ae 100644
--- a/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb
+++ b/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ module StubRecordHelper
   # return the record given.
   # If no record is given but a hash or nil will create a stub based on
   # that instead and returns the stub.
-  def find_record(klass, record_or_method_hash = {})
-    record = stub_record(klass, record_or_method_hash)
+  def find_record(factory)
+    record = stub_record factory
+    klass = record.class
     finder = klass.respond_to?(:find_by_param) ? :find_by_param : :find_by_id
-    klass.expects(finder).with(record.to_param).returns(record)
+    klass.expects(finder).with(record.to_param.to_s).returns(record)
     return record
@@ -17,25 +18,24 @@ module StubRecordHelper
   # If the second parameter is a record we return the record itself.
   # This way you can build functions that either take a record or a
   # method hash to stub from. See find_record for an example.
-  def stub_record(klass, record_or_method_hash = {}, persisted = true)
+  def stub_record(factory, record_or_method_hash = {})
     if record_or_method_hash && !record_or_method_hash.is_a?(Hash)
       return record_or_method_hash
-    stub record_params_for(klass, record_or_method_hash, persisted)
+    FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(factory).tap do |record|
+      record.stubs(record_or_method_hash) if record_or_method_hash.present?
+    end
-  def record_params_for(klass, params = {}, persisted = true)
-    if klass.respond_to?(:valid_attributes_hash)
-      params.reverse_merge!(klass.valid_attributes_hash)
+  # returns deep stringified attributes so they can be compared to
+  # what the controller receives as params
+  def record_attributes_for(factory, attribs_hash = nil)
+    FactoryGirl.attributes_for(factory, attribs_hash).tap do |attribs|
+      attribs.keys.each do |key|
+        val = attribs.delete(key)
+        attribs[key.to_s] = val.is_a?(Hash) ? val.stringify_keys! : val
+      end
-    params[:params] = params.stringify_keys
-    params.reverse_merge! :id => "A123",
-      :to_param => "A123",
-      :class => klass,
-      :to_key => ['123'],
-      :to_json => %Q({"stub":"#{}"}),
-      :new_record? => !persisted,
-      :persisted? => persisted
cgit v1.2.3

From a9ef046a596b5876792b1cc4ab0d26b9b255c342 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Azul <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 16:24:25 +0100
Subject: tickets controller tests passing

 users/test/support/auth_test_helper.rb   |  6 +++---
 users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb | 13 +++++++++----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

(limited to 'users/test/support')

diff --git a/users/test/support/auth_test_helper.rb b/users/test/support/auth_test_helper.rb
index c9f5612..c0fcf3a 100644
--- a/users/test/support/auth_test_helper.rb
+++ b/users/test/support/auth_test_helper.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ module AuthTestHelper
   def login(user_or_method_hash = {})
-    @current_user = stub_record(User, user_or_method_hash)
-    unless @current_user.respond_to? :is_admin?
-      @current_user.stubs(:is_admin?).returns(false)
+    if user_or_method_hash.respond_to?(:reverse_merge)
+      user_or_method_hash.reverse_merge! :is_admin? => false
+    @current_user = stub_record(:user, user_or_method_hash, true)
     request.env['warden'] = stub :user => @current_user
     return @current_user
diff --git a/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb b/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb
index 18db5ae..168a827 100644
--- a/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb
+++ b/users/test/support/stub_record_helper.rb
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ module StubRecordHelper
   # return the record given.
   # If no record is given but a hash or nil will create a stub based on
   # that instead and returns the stub.
-  def find_record(factory)
-    record = stub_record factory
+  def find_record(factory, attribs_hash = {})
+    attribs_hash.reverse_merge!(:id => Random.rand(10000).to_s)
+    record = stub_record factory, attribs_hash
     klass = record.class
-    finder = klass.respond_to?(:find_by_param) ? :find_by_param : :find_by_id
+    finder = klass.respond_to?(:find_by_param) ? :find_by_param : :find
     return record
@@ -18,11 +19,15 @@ module StubRecordHelper
   # If the second parameter is a record we return the record itself.
   # This way you can build functions that either take a record or a
   # method hash to stub from. See find_record for an example.
-  def stub_record(factory, record_or_method_hash = {})
+  def stub_record(factory, record_or_method_hash = {}, persisted=false)
     if record_or_method_hash && !record_or_method_hash.is_a?(Hash)
       return record_or_method_hash
     FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(factory).tap do |record|
+      if persisted or record.persisted?
+        record_or_method_hash.reverse_merge! :created_at =>,
+          :updated_at =>, :id => Random.rand(100000).to_s
+      end
       record.stubs(record_or_method_hash) if record_or_method_hash.present?
cgit v1.2.3