From 95ba833ffea8588ba498ed28fdb02c15fdb062cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 20:07:37 +0200 Subject: removed tmp cache files in dummy test dir --- .../A50/sprockets%2F983ce99613edf03729c8c574059b4583 | Bin 19966 -> 0 bytes .../FD0/sprockets%2F6e1bd95023705b5529e7ccc754a02867 | Bin 208466 -> 0 bytes .../950/sprockets%2F90abd297266441e364737cd8b3747ad2 | Bin 2775 -> 0 bytes .../550/sprockets%2F88a854d2b8e53730066a59df47b5b746 | Bin 4013 -> 0 bytes .../850/sprockets%2F0616865725fea8838fda8e461bb14189 | Bin 4031 -> 0 bytes .../C30/sprockets%2F236b57b867e722f51b8f88fa5737e308 | Bin 18365 -> 0 bytes .../5E0/sprockets%2F0228318f1e29a22095c36a71a8acfd32 | Bin 4097 -> 0 bytes .../370/sprockets%2F357970feca3ac29060c1e3861e2c0953 | Bin 960 -> 0 bytes .../400/sprockets%2F7c3ab762d5be50d6314a324d354186f9 | Bin 2775 -> 0 bytes .../AF0/sprockets%2F1e818287702fc78e6b026cbda72231f1 | Bin 4213 -> 0 bytes .../B30/sprockets%2F672d1206521f7db069bff652455bee25 | Bin 4032 -> 0 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b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_grid.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index f8cd990..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_grid.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_hero-unit.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_hero-unit.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index ebccc9b..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_hero-unit.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_labels-badges.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_labels-badges.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index d12dd58..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_labels-badges.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_layouts.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_layouts.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 78993fc..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_layouts.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_mixins.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_mixins.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index ec520db..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_mixins.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_modals.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_modals.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 7a2530e..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_modals.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_navbar.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_navbar.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 360ae80..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_navbar.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_navs.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_navs.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 3af18e4..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_navs.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_pager.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_pager.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 5c40bb3..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_pager.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_pagination.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_pagination.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 1ff5ce3..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_pagination.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_popovers.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_popovers.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index e8e742e..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_popovers.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_progress-bars.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_progress-bars.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 42e3f54..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_progress-bars.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_reset.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_reset.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index e13b222..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_reset.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_scaffolding.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_scaffolding.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 64fcf04..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_scaffolding.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_sprites.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_sprites.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index b263ee0..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_sprites.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_tables.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_tables.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 1ccc7e4..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_tables.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_thumbnails.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_thumbnails.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index d8602a9..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_thumbnails.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_tooltip.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_tooltip.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index d61f125..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_tooltip.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_type.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_type.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 7f6278a..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_type.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_utilities.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_utilities.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 7b35923..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_utilities.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_variables.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_variables.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index c586137..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_variables.scssc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_wells.scssc b/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_wells.scssc deleted file mode 100644 index 5b3fcd8..0000000 Binary files a/test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/8428c01c7e51b4abd987f2973625b18cda137330/_wells.scssc and /dev/null differ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 00b7b36516d1d07300870029ad5190f06122a493 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:56:35 +0200 Subject: first steps at reducing core --- Gemfile | 47 ++----------------------------------- Gemfile.lock | 33 +++++++------------------- app/controllers/home_controller.rb | 5 ++++ certs/Gemfile | 12 +++------- certs/leap_web_certs.gemspec | 3 --- certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb | 1 + certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb | 3 --- certs/lib/leap_web_certs/version.rb | 3 --- common_dependencies.rb | 6 +++++ config/routes.rb | 6 ++--- core/leap_web_core.gemspec | 2 ++ core/lib/leap_web_core.rb | 9 ++++++- core/lib/leap_web_core/version.rb | 3 --- help/Gemfile | 18 ++++---------- help/leap_web_help.gemspec | 8 +------ help/lib/leap_web_help.rb | 1 + help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb | 4 ---- help/lib/leap_web_help/version.rb | 3 --- lib/tasks/task_helper.rb | 2 +- ui_dependencies.rb | 16 +++++++++++++ users/Gemfile | 13 ++++------ users/leap_web_users.gemspec | 8 +------ users/lib/leap_web_users.rb | 2 ++ users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb | 4 +--- users/lib/leap_web_users/version.rb | 3 --- 25 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-) create mode 100644 app/controllers/home_controller.rb delete mode 100644 certs/lib/leap_web_certs/version.rb create mode 100644 common_dependencies.rb delete mode 100644 core/lib/leap_web_core/version.rb delete mode 100644 help/lib/leap_web_help/version.rb create mode 100644 ui_dependencies.rb delete mode 100644 users/lib/leap_web_users/version.rb diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 2aedae1..6d28e3d 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -1,57 +1,14 @@ source '' -gem 'rails', '3.2.8' - -# Bundle edge Rails instead: -# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://' - - -gem 'json' - -# Gems used only for assets and not required -# in production environments by default. -group :assets do - gem 'haml-rails', '~> 0.3.4' - gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.5' - gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.2' - - # See for more supported runtimes - gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby - - gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.2.7' -end - -gem 'jquery-rails' -gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 2.0.4' -gem 'haml', '~> 3.1.7' -gem 'simple_form' +eval( + '/common_dependencies.rb')) +eval( + '/ui_dependencies.rb')) # EITHER fetch all of the leap_web gems in one go # gem 'leap_web' # OR use the local versions for development instead: -gem 'leap_web_core', :path => 'core' gem 'leap_web_users', :path => 'users' gem 'leap_web_certs', :path => 'certs' # gem 'leap_web_help', :path => 'help' -gem 'couchrest_session_store' - - -group :development, :test do - gem 'mocha' -end - -# To use ActiveModel has_secure_password -# gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0' - -# To use Jbuilder templates for JSON -# gem 'jbuilder' - -# Use unicorn as the app server -# gem 'unicorn' - -# Deploy with Capistrano -# gem 'capistrano' - # To use debugger gem 'ruby-debug' diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index f23e74e..955c637 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -2,32 +2,16 @@ PATH remote: certs specs: leap_web_certs (0.1.0) - leap_web_core (= 0.1.0) - rails (~> 3.2.8) - -PATH - remote: core - specs: - leap_web_core (0.1.0) - couchrest (~> 1.1.3) - couchrest_model (~> 2.0.0.beta2) - couchrest_session_store (~> 0.0.1) - rails (~> 3.2.8) PATH remote: users specs: leap_web_users (0.1.0) - bootstrap-sass (~> 2.0.4) - haml (~> 3.1.7) - jquery-rails - leap_web_core (= 0.1.0) - rails (~> 3.2.8) ruby-srp (~> 0.1.1) - simple_form GEM remote: + remote: specs: actionmailer (3.2.8) actionpack (= 3.2.8) @@ -147,7 +131,7 @@ GEM railties (~> 3.2.0) sass (>= 3.1.10) tilt (~> 1.3) - simple_form (2.0.3) + simple_form (2.0.4) actionpack (~> 3.0) activemodel (~> 3.0) sprockets (2.1.3) @@ -162,9 +146,9 @@ GEM polyglot polyglot (>= 0.3.1) tzinfo (0.3.33) - uglifier (1.3.0) + uglifier (1.2.7) execjs (>= 0.3.0) - multi_json (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) + multi_json (~> 1.3) PLATFORMS ruby @@ -172,18 +156,19 @@ PLATFORMS DEPENDENCIES bootstrap-sass (~> 2.0.4) coffee-rails (~> 3.2.2) - couchrest_session_store + couchrest (~> 1.1.3) + couchrest_model (~> 2.0.0.beta2) + couchrest_session_store (~> 0.0.1) haml (~> 3.1.7) haml-rails (~> 0.3.4) jquery-rails json leap_web_certs! - leap_web_core! leap_web_users! mocha - rails (= 3.2.8) + rails (~> 3.2.8) ruby-debug sass-rails (~> 3.2.5) simple_form therubyracer - uglifier (>= 1.2.7) + uglifier (~> 1.2.7) diff --git a/app/controllers/home_controller.rb b/app/controllers/home_controller.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7db5397 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/home_controller.rb @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + +class HomeController < ApplicationController + def index + end +end diff --git a/certs/Gemfile b/certs/Gemfile index 9028024..ab2aa7a 100644 --- a/certs/Gemfile +++ b/certs/Gemfile @@ -1,17 +1,11 @@ source "" -# Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_certs.gemspec. +eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) + +# Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_users.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. gemspec -# jquery-rails is used by the dummy application -gem "jquery-rails" - -# Declare any dependencies that are still in development here instead of in -# your gemspec. These might include edge Rails or gems from your path or -# Git. Remember to move these dependencies to your gemspec before releasing -# your gem to - # To use debugger # gem 'ruby-debug' diff --git a/certs/leap_web_certs.gemspec b/certs/leap_web_certs.gemspec index 14708df..15a45be 100644 --- a/certs/leap_web_certs.gemspec +++ b/certs/leap_web_certs.gemspec @@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ do |s| s.files = Dir["{app,config,db,lib}/**/*"] + ["Rakefile", ""] s.test_files = Dir["test/**/*"] - s.add_dependency "rails", "~> 3.2.8" s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", LeapWeb::VERSION - - s.add_development_dependency "mocha" end diff --git a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb index beb683d..129d1a9 100644 --- a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb +++ b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +require "leap_web_core" require "leap_web_certs/engine" module LeapWebCerts diff --git a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb index 7dbc572..33a446e 100644 --- a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb +++ b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -# thou shall require all your dependencies in an engine. -require "leap_web_core" - module LeapWebCerts class Engine < ::Rails::Engine diff --git a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/version.rb b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/version.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 800ca0b..0000000 --- a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/version.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module LeapWebCerts - VERSION = "0.0.4" -end diff --git a/common_dependencies.rb b/common_dependencies.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5312a80 --- /dev/null +++ b/common_dependencies.rb @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +source "" + +group :test do + gem 'mocha', :require => false +end + diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb index ca8d753..3b29251 100644 --- a/config/routes.rb +++ b/config/routes.rb @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ LeapWeb::Application.routes.draw do + root :to => "home#index" + # The priority is based upon order of creation: # first created -> highest priority. @@ -46,10 +48,6 @@ LeapWeb::Application.routes.draw do # resources :products # end - # You can have the root of your site routed with "root" - # just remember to delete public/index.html. - # root :to => 'welcome#index' - # See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes" # This is a legacy wild controller route that's not recommended for RESTful applications. diff --git a/core/leap_web_core.gemspec b/core/leap_web_core.gemspec index c3bb98d..e721637 100644 --- a/core/leap_web_core.gemspec +++ b/core/leap_web_core.gemspec @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ do |s| s.test_files = Dir["test/**/*"] s.add_dependency "rails", "~> 3.2.8" + s.add_dependency "couchrest", "~> 1.1.3" s.add_dependency "couchrest_model", "~> 2.0.0.beta2" s.add_dependency "couchrest_session_store", "~> 0.0.1" + s.add_dependency "json" end diff --git a/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb b/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb index 16004f8..5b53978 100644 --- a/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb +++ b/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ +require "rails/all" + +require "couchrest" +require "couchrest_model" +require "couchrest_session_store" + +require "json" + require "extensions/testing" -require "leap_web_core/dependencies" require "leap_web_core/engine" module LeapWebCore diff --git a/core/lib/leap_web_core/version.rb b/core/lib/leap_web_core/version.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 6a34982..0000000 --- a/core/lib/leap_web_core/version.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module LeapWebCore - VERSION = "0.0.1" -end diff --git a/help/Gemfile b/help/Gemfile index 8dfcd78..bfd760e 100644 --- a/help/Gemfile +++ b/help/Gemfile @@ -1,20 +1,12 @@ source "" -# Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_help.gemspec. +eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) +eval( + '/..//ui_dependencies.rb')) + +# Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_users.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. gemspec -# jquery-rails is used by the dummy application -gem "jquery-rails" - -# Declare any dependencies that are still in development here instead of in -# your gemspec. These might include edge Rails or gems from your path or -# Git. Remember to move these dependencies to your gemspec before releasing -# your gem to - # To use debugger - gem 'ruby-debug' - - # TODO: not sure I actually want this here, but trying: - gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby +# gem 'ruby-debug' diff --git a/help/leap_web_help.gemspec b/help/leap_web_help.gemspec index 2cc147c..09827dc 100644 --- a/help/leap_web_help.gemspec +++ b/help/leap_web_help.gemspec @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) -require "leap_web_core/dependencies" require File.expand_path('../../lib/leap_web/version.rb', __FILE__) # Describe your gem and declare its dependencies: @@ -16,10 +15,5 @@ do |s| s.files = Dir["{app,config,db,lib}/**/*"] + ["Rakefile", ""] s.test_files = Dir["test/**/*"] - s.add_dependency "rails", "~> 3.2.8" - s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", "~> #{LeapWeb::VERSION}" - - LeapWebCore::Dependencies.add_ui_gems_to_spec(s) - - # s.add_dependency "jquery-rails" + s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", LeapWeb::VERSION end diff --git a/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb b/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb index f5b04aa..89dabcf 100644 --- a/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb +++ b/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +require "leap_web_core" require "leap_web_help/engine" module LeapWebHelp diff --git a/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb b/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb index 2ff3e86..1006c29 100644 --- a/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb +++ b/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ # thou shall require all your dependencies in an engine. -require "leap_web_core" -#require "leap_web_users" #necessary? - -LeapWebCore::Dependencies.require_ui_gems module LeapWebHelp class Engine < ::Rails::Engine diff --git a/help/lib/leap_web_help/version.rb b/help/lib/leap_web_help/version.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 6a7c85d..0000000 --- a/help/lib/leap_web_help/version.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module LeapWebHelp - VERSION = "0.0.1" -end diff --git a/lib/tasks/task_helper.rb b/lib/tasks/task_helper.rb index aa37698..26e60bc 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/task_helper.rb +++ b/lib/tasks/task_helper.rb @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ require File.expand_path('../../../lib/leap_web/version', __FILE__) module TaskHelper - ENGINES = %w(core users certs help) + ENGINES = %w(users certs help) def putsys(cmd) puts cmd diff --git a/ui_dependencies.rb b/ui_dependencies.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21de1c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui_dependencies.rb @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +gem "haml", "~> 3.1.7" +gem "bootstrap-sass", "~> 2.0.4" +gem "jquery-rails" +gem "simple_form" + +group :assets do + gem "haml-rails", "~> 0.3.4" + gem "sass-rails", "~> 3.2.5" + gem "coffee-rails", "~> 3.2.2" + gem "uglifier", "~> 1.2.7" + + # See for more supported runtimes + gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby + +end + diff --git a/users/Gemfile b/users/Gemfile index 5e6ebd6..81b0ae8 100644 --- a/users/Gemfile +++ b/users/Gemfile @@ -1,17 +1,12 @@ source "" +eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) +eval( + '/../ui_dependencies.rb')) + # Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_users.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. gemspec -# jquery-rails is used by the dummy application -gem "jquery-rails" - -# Declare any dependencies that are still in development here instead of in -# your gemspec. These might include edge Rails or gems from your path or -# Git. Remember to move these dependencies to your gemspec before releasing -# your gem to - # To use debugger -gem 'ruby-debug' +# gem 'ruby-debug' diff --git a/users/leap_web_users.gemspec b/users/leap_web_users.gemspec index 94c32ff..f64a76a 100644 --- a/users/leap_web_users.gemspec +++ b/users/leap_web_users.gemspec @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) -require "leap_web_core/dependencies" require File.expand_path('../../lib/leap_web/version.rb', __FILE__) # Describe your gem and declare its dependencies: @@ -16,12 +15,7 @@ do |s| s.files = Dir["{app,config,db,lib}/**/*"] + ["Rakefile", ""] s.test_files = Dir["test/**/*"] - s.add_dependency "rails", "~> 3.2.8" s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", LeapWeb::VERSION - s.add_dependency "ruby-srp", "~> 0.1.1" - - LeapWebCore::Dependencies.add_ui_gems_to_spec(s) - - s.add_development_dependency "mocha" + s.add_dependency "ruby-srp", "~> 0.1.1" end diff --git a/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb b/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb index e1b7b1f..1ea1c40 100644 --- a/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb +++ b/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +require "leap_web_core" +require "leap_web_core/ui_dependencies" require "leap_web_users/engine" module LeapWebUsers diff --git a/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb b/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb index b6ab60e..734564b 100644 --- a/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb +++ b/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ # thou shall require all your dependencies in an engine. require "ruby-srp" -require "leap_web_core" -LeapWebCore::Dependencies.require_ui_gems - +require "haml-rails" module LeapWebUsers class Engine < ::Rails::Engine diff --git a/users/lib/leap_web_users/version.rb b/users/lib/leap_web_users/version.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 14e54c1..0000000 --- a/users/lib/leap_web_users/version.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module LeapWebUsers - VERSION = "0.0.1" -end -- cgit v1.2.3 From add8d015c87a00626b739080bd75c7e7aeb9c1df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:22:34 +0200 Subject: moved core dependency into */Gemfile with :path In order to get the rails generators and the like to work properly in engines we need to require all the dependencies in the engine.rb file. Since I want to keep that list of engines in a centralized place we still need core and we need to require it from the other engines. We don't want to require the core gem to be installed so I added it with :path option to the Gemfile. --- .gitignore | 1 + Gemfile | 1 + Gemfile.lock | 18 +++++++++++++----- certs/Gemfile | 3 +++ certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb | 1 - certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb | 2 ++ core/lib/leap_web_core.rb | 2 +- core/lib/leap_web_core/ui_dependencies.rb | 11 +++++++++++ help/Gemfile | 3 +++ help/lib/leap_web_help.rb | 1 - help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb | 2 ++ users/Gemfile | 3 +++ users/lib/leap_web_users.rb | 2 -- users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb | 3 ++- 14 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) create mode 100644 core/lib/leap_web_core/ui_dependencies.rb diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index bdcb017..7993150 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ /pkg /*/pkg /log +*/Gemfile.lock diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 6d28e3d..10c661a 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ eval( + '/ui_dependencies.rb')) # EITHER fetch all of the leap_web gems in one go # gem 'leap_web' # OR use the local versions for development instead: +gem "leap_web_core", :path => 'core' gem 'leap_web_users', :path => 'users' gem 'leap_web_certs', :path => 'certs' # gem 'leap_web_help', :path => 'help' diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index 955c637..fe49476 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -2,11 +2,23 @@ PATH remote: certs specs: leap_web_certs (0.1.0) + leap_web_core (= 0.1.0) + +PATH + remote: core + specs: + leap_web_core (0.1.0) + couchrest (~> 1.1.3) + couchrest_model (~> 2.0.0.beta2) + couchrest_session_store (~> 0.0.1) + json + rails (~> 3.2.8) PATH remote: users specs: leap_web_users (0.1.0) + leap_web_core (= 0.1.0) ruby-srp (~> 0.1.1) GEM @@ -156,17 +168,13 @@ PLATFORMS DEPENDENCIES bootstrap-sass (~> 2.0.4) coffee-rails (~> 3.2.2) - couchrest (~> 1.1.3) - couchrest_model (~> 2.0.0.beta2) - couchrest_session_store (~> 0.0.1) haml (~> 3.1.7) haml-rails (~> 0.3.4) jquery-rails - json leap_web_certs! + leap_web_core! leap_web_users! mocha - rails (~> 3.2.8) ruby-debug sass-rails (~> 3.2.5) simple_form diff --git a/certs/Gemfile b/certs/Gemfile index ab2aa7a..951d1b7 100644 --- a/certs/Gemfile +++ b/certs/Gemfile @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ source "" eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) +# We require leap_web_core from here so we can use the path option. +gem "leap_web_core", :path => '../core' + # Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_users.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. diff --git a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb index 129d1a9..beb683d 100644 --- a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb +++ b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs.rb @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -require "leap_web_core" require "leap_web_certs/engine" module LeapWebCerts diff --git a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb index 33a446e..3c8948a 100644 --- a/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb +++ b/certs/lib/leap_web_certs/engine.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +require "leap_web_core" + module LeapWebCerts class Engine < ::Rails::Engine diff --git a/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb b/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb index 5b53978..8826880 100644 --- a/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb +++ b/core/lib/leap_web_core.rb @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -require "rails/all" +require "rails" require "couchrest" require "couchrest_model" diff --git a/core/lib/leap_web_core/ui_dependencies.rb b/core/lib/leap_web_core/ui_dependencies.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0a0b86 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/lib/leap_web_core/ui_dependencies.rb @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +require "haml" +require "bootstrap-sass" +require "jquery-rails" +require "simple_form" + +if Rails.env == "development" + require "haml-rails" + require "sass-rails" + require "coffee-rails" + require "uglifier" +end diff --git a/help/Gemfile b/help/Gemfile index bfd760e..5e895e9 100644 --- a/help/Gemfile +++ b/help/Gemfile @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ source "" eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) eval( + '/..//ui_dependencies.rb')) +# We require leap_web_core from here so we can use the path option. +gem "leap_web_core", :path => '../core' + # Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_users.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. diff --git a/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb b/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb index 89dabcf..f5b04aa 100644 --- a/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb +++ b/help/lib/leap_web_help.rb @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -require "leap_web_core" require "leap_web_help/engine" module LeapWebHelp diff --git a/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb b/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb index 1006c29..4146dfc 100644 --- a/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb +++ b/help/lib/leap_web_help/engine.rb @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # thou shall require all your dependencies in an engine. +require "leap_web_core" +require "leap_web_core/ui_dependencies" module LeapWebHelp class Engine < ::Rails::Engine diff --git a/users/Gemfile b/users/Gemfile index 81b0ae8..e30033a 100644 --- a/users/Gemfile +++ b/users/Gemfile @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ source "" eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) eval( + '/../ui_dependencies.rb')) +# We require leap_web_core from here so we can use the path option. +gem "leap_web_core", :path => '../core' + # Declare your gem's dependencies in leap_web_users.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. diff --git a/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb b/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb index 1ea1c40..e1b7b1f 100644 --- a/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb +++ b/users/lib/leap_web_users.rb @@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ -require "leap_web_core" -require "leap_web_core/ui_dependencies" require "leap_web_users/engine" module LeapWebUsers diff --git a/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb b/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb index 734564b..9b7545e 100644 --- a/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb +++ b/users/lib/leap_web_users/engine.rb @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # thou shall require all your dependencies in an engine. +require "leap_web_core" +require "leap_web_core/ui_dependencies" require "ruby-srp" -require "haml-rails" module LeapWebUsers class Engine < ::Rails::Engine -- cgit v1.2.3 From bd17dee3ae5650e8ff1c7700fa0e83adf386b91b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:43:57 +0200 Subject: tried to make the documentation more clear --- | 49 +++++++++++++++---------------------------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a483fb7..9548774 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -25,20 +25,28 @@ rails plugin new ENGINE_NAME -O --full See for more general info about engines. -### Require Leap Web Core ### +### Require Leap Web Core and dependencies ### -You need to add leap_web_core to your .gemspec: +Leap Web Core provides a common set of dependencies for the engines with CouchRest Model etc. +It also comes with an optional set of UI gems like haml, sass, coffeescript, uglifier, bootstrap-sass, jquery and simple_form. + +In order to use the core dependencies you need to add leap_web_core to your .gemspec: ```ruby +# make sure LeapWeb::VERSION is available +require File.expand_path('../../lib/leap_web/version.rb', __FILE__) +# ... do |s| # ... s.add_dependency "rails" - s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", "~> 0.0.1" + s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", LeapWeb::Version end ``` You also need to require it before you define your engine in lib/my_engine/engine.rb: ```ruby require "leap_web_core" +# uncomment if you want the ui gems: +# require "leap_web_core/ui_dependencies" module MyEngine class Engine < ::Rails::Engine @@ -47,41 +55,14 @@ module MyEngine end ``` -### Require UI Gems ### - -Leap Web Core provides a basic set of UI gems that should be used accross the engines. These include haml, sass, coffeescript, uglifier, bootstrap-sass, jquery and simple_form. - -Do you want to add views, javascript and the like to your engine? Then you should use the common gems. In order to do so you need to add them to your gemspec: +Some development and UI dependencies can not be loaded via leap_web_core. To make them available add the following lines to your engines Gemfile ```ruby - require "my_engine/version" - require "leap_web_core/dependencies" - - # ... - - do |s| - # ... - s.add_dependency "rails" - s.add_dependency "leap_web_core", "~> 0.0.1" - - LeapWebCore::Dependencies.add_ui_gems_to_spec(s) - end + eval( + '/../common_dependencies.rb')) + # uncomment if you want the ui gems: + # eval( + '/../ui_dependencies.rb')) ``` -You also need to require them before you define your engine in lib/my_engine/engine.rb: - -```ruby -require "leap_web_core" -LeapWebCore::Dependencies.require_ui_gems - -module MyEngine - class Engine < ::Rails::Engine - # ... - end -end -``` - - ## Creating Models ## You can use the normal rails generators to create models. Since you required the leap_web_core gem you will be using CouchRest::Model. So your models inherit from CouchRest::Model::Base. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 61475258b0b346988689220057b07f9c9fb6317f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:08:58 +0200 Subject: lets not track the logs in version controll --- .gitignore | 2 + test/dummy/log/test.log | 1244 ----------------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1244 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 test/dummy/log/test.log diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 7993150..3567ebd 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ /*/pkg /log */Gemfile.lock +test/dummy/log/* +test/dummy/tmp/* diff --git a/test/dummy/log/test.log b/test/dummy/log/test.log deleted file mode 100644 index ccc2d30..0000000 --- a/test/dummy/log/test.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1244 +0,0 @@ - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 21:42:54 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 62ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 21:42:55 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 13ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 21:42:55 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 15ms -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 190ms -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 22:56:01 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1094ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 22:56:03 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 15ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 22:56:03 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 64ms -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1010ms -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 68ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 23:49:45 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 42ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 23:49:45 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 12ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 23:49:45 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 13ms -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 99ms -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 29ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 23:55:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 43ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 23:55:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 15ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Thu Aug 23 23:55:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 21ms -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 99ms -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 29ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 00:03:59 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 00:03:59 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 15ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 00:03:59 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 17ms -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 98ms -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 2ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 00:08:20 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 49ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 00:08:21 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 00:08:21 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 90ms (Views: 89.4ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 18.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 2ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:34:21 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 96ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:34:21 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:34:21 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 212ms (Views: 211.6ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 35ms (Views: 34.5ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:35:32 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 50ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:35:32 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 18ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:35:32 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 91ms (Views: 91.1ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 2ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 17.6ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:47:02 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 52ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:47:02 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 16ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:47:02 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 38ms (Views: 38.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 2ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 17.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 2ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:47:14 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 50ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:47:14 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 14ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:47:15 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 38ms (Views: 37.6ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 17.0ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 56ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"86b7b6251081d6cc54e23706ecb92019f7eb770dbe9161e97371a155aa3ba904"} -Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"integration_test_user", "client_auth"=>"6fe632efa6c4bc707cbca53bdc327e3ac0e8dd3de06ec60cc70ae66bccffbec5"} -Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 16ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"54dbd0535db592074d3993038676039e05e09704f53b893311d0a069a520ee5a"} -Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"integration_test_user", "client_auth"=>"6c731717540ed41bd701ec7672d8e1d9b11c7bd7e66d866d564241aa012d3eba"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 15ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:53:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"wronglogin", "A"=>"736077507e34ed76a8510cb691647084d98fdd386d460c84228e2085eea6cf60"} -Completed 200 OK in 64ms (Views: 0.4ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 40ms (Views: 40.0ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"me", "client_auth"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 5ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 23.4ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 100.1ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 8ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 99.0ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 52ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"18d5f90618da300e42ddfca4ae0892d70188fc1bd15806a62e9727694d048d41"} -Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"integration_test_user", "client_auth"=>"c9669e6d2e637a2dd4c88f1e14dac9411feff213a594d5375392fd9507be7554"} -Completed 200 OK in 12ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 11ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"5c888674fc202f583edb74ddd76d51d1d91f29ef13f275e0e6590f489697b984"} -Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"integration_test_user", "client_auth"=>"a69f83478fb2794670d4a01f1d8fafc3aab9552dff2e40608fc0c1465d503000"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 14ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:56:16 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"wronglogin", "A"=>"1d4dd9d87394fb996cf5c9cd26ceae999ee91d6e918ae4898487d29299f97def"} -Completed 200 OK in 4ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 53ms (Views: 0.7ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"f13b416ca8f8f26d00e005fadd4c94744ff866110f9d090ae23ac249a7da6079", "login"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"608400e10ba35bb964b1e2d69d141484f7ed1307a77f1f991e33bb713906b00c", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 61ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"73f9bc1a40ae806817f6cab3a355f9c575d7574402b426b89c2c66d1c39ab82a", "login"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"79473702fd2354792f4403f7116bd664b5f799cb40f328422c02a07cf0a1623e", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 09:58:23 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a84357df5892d8cdf74d55947f7ac8edbcea92c8a19af7403ec3db027dd8ebc8", "login"=>"wronglogin"} -Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 94ms (Views: 93.5ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 19.0ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 49ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"2f856f5d037678c93fe314de8368100990c6ff2262f05b6a839e85dfa24677b"} -Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"efaf709c62d216af9651ddba8025f54d22dcec60907bd74e78fc8cf48529a86e", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 62ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 13ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"2b61fe1e9c6dcf534267f898677aaff6dacb3ba59d7f7f73d20a3653aea5d5e3"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"61fa2879b62eacf34216d4b9560a64dd30541fc71192984fdbd7113dbc25f00a", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 15ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 10:36:38 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"wronglogin", "A"=>"f7fe517fb7aefc41633d1e2f0b4df845321479f37ffc713407daff0d9551e14e"} -Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 0.5ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 89.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 28.0ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 49ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"799c9b3dd2e5e8819b602709392116adda74a2bf9b9099067c9053b5ac451e8d", "login"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"95bb7fbdbe81bb4a23979b454fe411f30cbe84c38addc36c681a70fe3e9d1954", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 61ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"dd43208fd903fa0566b28762747ba5c5c9d14d2483254078247c8066068e8843", "login"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"c22060242c28c76491026a98b812d16a94bac821d3c32443810ce1ed12ed3b9b", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 10:37:34 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"70310508bd80485f27e7b073ca4df34b6f2385eab38982e4d9470af4044d934a", "login"=>"wronglogin"} -Completed 200 OK in 4ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 90ms (Views: 89.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"a123", "login"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 17.6ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 104ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"42dc9d94507a80b9bb57bc77594e4c5938487bf36c72db98765522535bf54f5f"} -Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"52a9145dcde0842b075d41a82651a2de18bf4b283bca8e386e7f75410f3d6463", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"df80bc7b52846fdb35c3a396432efe5963dc0f766ff4fe1b825462bf69ea8bf4"} -Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"5c4be413569756b55d6e3e8e8d7b76078a1fe080da39a410abb9085db2eb04fd", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 11ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 11:39:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"wronglogin", "A"=>"2a73003b8c8ca88e6b051cbf344df5937530413998f13f85045ae31a5be8fb9"} -Completed 200 OK in 54ms (Views: 0.4ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 39ms (Views: 38.4ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 17.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 101ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"bf69e20fa47d287c51d632336596b41526f6c0cd3e2449bd960509a29bfa2961"} -Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"fed972599dd4e5b70f6bd0bd8a57be1b5e98ee096933b03c1ddd873f4a2657c1", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"integration_test_user", "A"=>"d3e93135f8ad2360e2d589afc1882b1cea00cf4755cfc9b6afee5aafb0504f30"} -Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"157dbd5ac6385e60f0f5bab7150cce8ee92441e4596194ab177683be963eca7f", "id"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Completed 201 Created in 11ms (Views: 0.2ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Fri Aug 24 11:44:47 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"wronglogin", "A"=>"c285e722bc1d826a009e3d4fb5e92fd4ade4f00ba2d7b7d4946e3e1a404928b"} -Completed 200 OK in 4ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 41ms (Views: 40.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 3ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 17.8ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} - -***** Debugger requested, but was not available (ensure ruby-debug is listed in Gemfile/installed as gem): Start server with --debugger to enable ***** - -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:02 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} -Completed 201 Created in 142ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:03 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"ed4f1fbb97cddc6a89a2b7da9ef5361e53ad9aac5b2ea4ecd89c68c8faf5f40", "login"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 3966ms (Views: 0.9ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"integration_test_user", "client_auth"=>"28d9daa3ba48ead895d21157f42bd7d19219c188d8a6627d720f0e2ce9b5f5bc"} -Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} -Completed 201 Created in 11ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:07 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"31485189d6b8c70926be5327a7c2324e9f6d0b8fe11a4218d36609586347820b", "login"=>"integration_test_user"} -Completed 200 OK in 458ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started PUT "/sessions/integration_test_user" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:08 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"id"=>"integration_test_user", "client_auth"=>"37f23433a5a0ac70627eff14f0aee883493d84d87f739f84cd656ffd3515ab98"} -Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 0.5ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:08 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} -Completed 201 Created in 11ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/sessions" for at Tue Oct 02 23:02:08 +0200 2012 -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"A"=>"7c69083c85178f5217f656fdf1261b92fa2660023538310c9f3d6a380b60be96", "login"=>"wronglogin"} -Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 0.4ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Mon Oct 08 11:31:35 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} -Completed 201 Created in 70ms (Views: 0.5ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Mon Oct 08 11:31:35 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} -Completed 201 Created in 10ms (Views: 0.3ms) - - -Started POST "/users.json" for at Mon Oct 08 11:31:35 +0200 2012 -Processing by UsersController#create as JSON - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"integration_test_user"}} -Completed 201 Created in 12ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#destroy as HTML -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 68ms (Views: 67.6ms) -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"me", "A"=>"a123"} -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"login"=>"login_that_does_not_exist"} -Completed 200 OK in 0ms (Views: 0.2ms) -Processing by SessionsController#update as HTML - Parameters: {"client_auth"=>"a123", "id"=>"me"} -Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1ms -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"password_verifier"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_salt"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"me"}} -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 59ms -Processing by UsersController#new as HTML -Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 18.2ms) -Processing by UsersController#create as HTML - Parameters: {"user"=>{"login"=>"me"}} -Redirected to -Completed 302 Found in 2ms -Processing by CertsController#show as HTML - Rendered text template (0.0ms) -Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 5.0ms) -Processing by CertsController#show as HTML - Rendered text template (0.0ms) -Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 4.5ms) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3b4703b6669bb712fd078080d6f3b83af089b19e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:09:36 +0200 Subject: fixed account_flow_test - srp.authenticate now takes a single arg --- users/test/integration/api/account_flow_test.rb | 27 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/users/test/integration/api/account_flow_test.rb b/users/test/integration/api/account_flow_test.rb index e20bcf6..66de1e5 100644 --- a/users/test/integration/api/account_flow_test.rb +++ b/users/test/integration/api/account_flow_test.rb @@ -30,40 +30,39 @@ class AccountFlowTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest :password_verifier => @srp.verifier.to_s(16), :password_salt => @srp.salt.to_s(16) } + post '/users.json', :user => @user_params + @user = User.find_by_param(@login) end def teardown @user.destroy if @user # make sure we can run this test again end - test "signup and login with srp via api" do - post '/users.json', :user => @user_params - @user = User.find_by_param(@login) + test "signup response" do assert_json_response @user_params.slice(:login, :password_salt) assert_response :success - server_auth = @srp.authenticate(self, @login, @password) + end + + test "signup and login with srp via api" do + server_auth = @srp.authenticate(self) assert_nil server_auth["errors"] assert server_auth["M2"] end test "signup and wrong password login attempt" do - post '/users.json', :user => @user_params - @user = User.find_by_param(@login) - assert_json_response @user_params.slice(:login, :password_salt) - assert_response :success - server_auth = @srp.authenticate(self, @login, "wrong password") + srp =, "wrong password") + server_auth = srp.authenticate(self) assert_equal ["wrong password"], server_auth["errors"]['password'] assert_nil server_auth["M2"] end test "signup and wrong username login attempt" do - post '/users.json', :user => @user_params - @user = User.find_by_param(@login) - assert_json_response @user_params.slice(:login, :password_salt) - assert_response :success + srp ="wrong_login", @password) + server_auth = nil assert_raises RECORD_NOT_FOUND do - server_auth = @srp.authenticate(self, "wronglogin", @password) + server_auth = srp.authenticate(self) end + assert_nil server_auth end end -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9416bd9b8829f57fa54d50e8b3f53f614a1b29b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:30:02 +0200 Subject: adjusted sessions controller test to new srp api handshake.to_json now returns what we want. --- users/test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb | 16 +++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/users/test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb b/users/test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb index 7876d84..b6e56a7 100644 --- a/users/test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb +++ b/users/test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb @@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ class SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase @server_hex = 'b123' @server_rnd = @server_hex.hex @server_rnd_exp = 'e123'.hex + @salt = 'stub user salt' @server_handshake = stub :aa => @client_rnd, :bb => @server_rnd, :b => @server_rnd_exp + @server_auth = 'adfe' end test "should get login screen" do @@ -21,11 +23,13 @@ class SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase user.expects(:initialize_auth). with(@client_rnd). returns(@server_handshake) + @server_handshake.expects(:to_json). + returns({'B' => @server_hex, 'salt' => @salt}.to_json) User.expects(:find_by_param).with(user.login).returns(user) post :create, :login => user.login, 'A' => @client_hex assert_equal @server_handshake, session[:handshake] assert_response :success - assert_json_response :B => @server_hex + assert_json_response :B => @server_hex, :salt => @salt end test "should report user not found" do @@ -39,9 +43,11 @@ class SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase test "should authorize" do session[:handshake] = @server_handshake user = stub :login => "me", :id => 123 - user.expects(:authenticate!). - with(@client_rnd, @server_handshake). + @server_handshake.expects(:authenticate!). + with(@client_rnd). returns(@server_auth) + @server_handshake.expects(:to_json). + returns({:M2 => @server_auth}.to_json) User.expects(:find_by_param).with(user.login).returns(user) post :update, :id => user.login, :client_auth => @client_hex assert_nil session[:handshake] @@ -52,8 +58,8 @@ class SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase test "should report wrong password" do session[:handshake] = @server_handshake user = stub :login => "me", :id => 123 - user.expects(:authenticate!). - with(@client_rnd, @server_handshake). + @server_handshake.expects(:authenticate!). + with(@client_rnd). raises(WRONG_PASSWORD) User.expects(:find_by_param).with(user.login).returns(user) post :update, :id => user.login, :client_auth => @client_hex -- cgit v1.2.3 From bde15d4ec416c1c6c99c7ea8bad9d8ed5aca128d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:45:16 +0200 Subject: fixed cert tests - adding test data and not testing the inline cert download filename --- certs/test/functional/certs_controller_test.rb | 1 - certs/test/unit/cert_test.rb | 3 +- config/cert | 38 ++++++++--------- test/dummy/config/cert | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/certs/test/functional/certs_controller_test.rb b/certs/test/functional/certs_controller_test.rb index 04669f5..295515b 100644 --- a/certs/test/functional/certs_controller_test.rb +++ b/certs/test/functional/certs_controller_test.rb @@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ class CertsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase get :show assert_response :success assert_equal cert.zipped, @response.body - assert_attachement_filename "" end end diff --git a/certs/test/unit/cert_test.rb b/certs/test/unit/cert_test.rb index 21ef169..9362da2 100644 --- a/certs/test/unit/cert_test.rb +++ b/certs/test/unit/cert_test.rb @@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ class CertTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end test "cert.zipped returns the actual data" do - # This is required! + # This is required ! assert lines = @sample.zipped.split("\n") + assert_equal 56, lines.count assert_equal "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", lines.first.chomp assert_equal "-----END CERTIFICATE-----", lines.last.chomp end diff --git a/config/cert b/config/cert index d8271d6..27db0fd 100644 --- a/config/cert +++ b/config/cert @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIFfQIBAAKCATEArnxTeU82frha6g4AchpzAA92ry0PD/FZVK5UiMsbwHfAl/XJ udVH0+51DSC5X4p9esftRQNCaJY/4zESe15Sna7aR+FyUoE+LcPpzMpCYH61TUzj -YLQLzfay6cw1arndyryELgehWh2KiDl/SOHQ8c914DQC87f3tvmWI7F0zb9KWE9c -XepnHyr2QJDzMiLuL6UC7ChJYgqYAKDfElQHfCaQCteOUK8hc+uTReTXpAtD3S3X -rC3KeJR+jOynTkJ5tLb/VwS2rmhZOWktBhAJflgKLXSc6Cz2uJBeARNLvTBAj66q -zfvMIlBOBRCWSQfvzNlhZvqX2YKdal8egC9CAuBhUcIfExunVQnU+xbRx7W9Gg3i +YLQLzfay6cw1arn QC87f3tvmWI7F0zb9KWE9c +XepnHyr2QJDzMiL This is an invalid eOUK8hc+uTReTXpAtD3S3X +rC3KeJR+jOynTkJ key block for testing Sc6Cz2uJBeARNLvTBAj66q +zfvMIlBOBRCWSQf please replace with a IfExunVQnU+xbRx7W9Gg3i +NV307K4fgLJbY4b valid client key Y69SOuXgz7ECsoXy1bWQsi +TETM5TX/6dADz0z FCc8I167mT25s2HNLnZ8AI 8zqMwDMRf9x7a4GBGmm7n+YSCLy3f8fejw2ZAQIDAQABAoIBMAt3bSQ8Nz3AT20x -NV307K4fgLJbY4bYhVaCIa5fAU22hkgWOscFGUl3/WY69SOuXgz7ECsoXy1bWQsi -TETM5TX/6dADz0z/uaktRkiTLtCDkyuSIXaB7oKpszFCc8I167mT25s2HNLnZ8AI XfEusdn/mGSpq7Co3CprStlr+IaVixpe622FPCNOt0x1RMjR2yrzYkvzC9DZperp mWLj7XF3X8FS3gd0Whhl4bS5yZuC8cd7Gq4bx8mGPIwqQzwOXb1mJXt5RPv+zU6X J4cSX0GIUBNb1yVsUDouqo1q+saPgBSjhS4xr6sb38XALvzvgVvY/M7YGpSr0Vyv ErAwxaGpdk+RppAjcxWBXLuMcIgtU+gSoEogdYzJkoJdwOfcyIllyqlaamcv4T84 gMWRFncCgZkAzUBt1t3GpuyGVPkD2evtQrBWwg09kx1PAyoNwLDOiarmzUr/euvC -m+FZ324xLCYXYBDXCwa3B1YsX9d54JuzXzClr+t0xoz5lZzDLgwEEdK9bttGBL0w 4W+BfbvmH3Q1dfyQMc/+Y2/LAhvwwkp1F66KsF1xcz6q3FCDN0BGurhIH3rsS1r8 +m+FZ324xLCYXYBDXCwa3B1YsX9d54JuzXzClr+t0xoz5lZzDLgwEEdK9bttGBL0w ReIl7KW/TwKDbkPxe+3yCI8CgZkA2aCJUmCtkvaCIX0Udr6g3iyu6lQYbq532/FW MNh+KJA3NqXOvGZd9T1DfjlxOqsfGD4H92ekUdy/GdX9SAH4A0RW24gUazNY9N1d -4Zr+GyGz96AetksM5svDVqVed9qzxqPX7/i16F3HmIJKS8lVXLj3TDBJAQTJNhSN tdkq8OAxwswquvXC0U5WXsZVp6z1CFawjUiZbW8CgZkAvP9V5SOkN7LWY0pFJJad i+oKiXdduqijR/uiXEuyc4v+KQ2lQM/1DEqu0hGKj+enYJtBGPMe+E9+XuZwYMWe nsmR1/LNPcM0U3LdOvpviOXv7zNUPyri5sMhjuDFnzMHw1REhsnKqk+XtKJ7yLx9 I8hiBtKUlBUhietNWEQEnQzxxKMRELaAU+1RFJ7vEVb0JUXFCGPrmbsCgZkAyZrW +4Zr+GyGz96AetksM5svDVqVed9qzxqPX7/i16F3HmIJKS8lVXLj3TDBJAQTJNhSN m+HD6mlClBNzaa2fCTMLtzjAiYhGsRIZbpagCKPRAmcH5bBPSmi+pahBJMBxxdtx NdhleRCuWBjM0nBAeYZNkIG3qLegqPaJif4zeJ74QWWsDePox8Xr59C6ev23nUUb -PcuBeQmnZbkNarfQxFz1ezcf6jmszNStktDj3tFSR8srqpcRKyUPDi1eHD81n8vv MnMW7zECgZkAwOOGuqJHyUlsVuErs5c/rLyY0NAqrGoiBp3o5fGnuINzrZSO3zvY +PcuBeQmnZbkNarfQxFz1ezcf6jmszNStktDj3tFSR8srqpcRKyUPDi1eHD81n8vv h1jew1zPRQaQvVZ88p0xacYJeRckbKxcIPGweVqpT9ZJAEGg4J6FFcH+fOIra/7R TgLJs443xbTO2GM/25Anc/Pj4bnL2GWqDTurTxANAtmKenuWHTcz47Pm5WNhZP/l WWxi9MBzz/80IediLG6qrlU= @@ -33,24 +33,24 @@ WWxi9MBzz/80IediLG6qrlU= -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEAzCCAlWgAwIBAgIEUFDq+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAPMQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRU RVNUMB4XDTEyMDkxMjIwMDUxNVoXDTEzMDkxMjIwMDUxNVowOjEPMA0GA1UEChMG -eHgub3JnMScwJQYDVQQDEx5xdXVnaGVjYWUxYmFpNW9oU2hhaDdwaGlkYWVxdXUw -ggFSMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBPwAwggE6AoIBMQCufFN5TzZ+uFrqDgByGnMA -D3avLQ8P8VlUrlSIyxvAd8CX9cm51UfT7nUNILlfin16x+1FA0Jolj/jMRJ7XlKd -rtpH4XJSgT4tw+nMykJgfrVNTONgtAvN9rLpzDVqud3KvIQuB6FaHYqIOX9I4dDx -z3XgNALzt/e2+ZYjsXTNv0pYT1xd6mcfKvZAkPMyIu4vpQLsKEliCpgAoN8SVAd8 -JpAK145QryFz65NF5NekC0PdLdesLcp4lH6M7KdOQnm0tv9XBLauaFk5aS0GEAl+ -WAotdJzoLPa4kF4BE0u9MECPrqrN+8wiUE4FEJZJB+/M2WFm+pfZgp1qXx6AL0IC +YLQLzfay6cw1arn QC87f3tvmWI7F0zb9KWE9c +XepnHyr2QJDzMiL This is an invalid eOUK8hc+uTReTXpAtD3S3X +rC3KeJR+jOynTkJ cert block for testing Sc6Cz2uJBeARNLvTBAj66q +zfvMIlBOBRCWSQf please replace with a IfExunVQnU+xbRx7W9Gg3i +NV307K4fgLJbY4b valid server cert Y69SOuXgz7ECsoXy1bWQsi +TETM5TX/6dADz0z FCc8I167mT25s2HNLnZ8AI 4GFRwh8TG6dVCdT7FtHHtb0aDeLzOozAMxF/3HtrgYEaabuf5hIIvLd/x96PDZkB +WAotdJzoLPa4kF4BE0u9MECPrqrN+8wiUE4FEJZJB+/M2WFm+pfZgp1qXx6AL0IC AgMBAAGjdjB0MAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwIwDwYD VR0PAQH/BAUDAwegADAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUU9Uc5ljBzINN4S6oj80rn+mJTLEwHwYD -VR0jBBgwFoAU/z1/F2dGNow5Kac+jx7NtyIM0BAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggGX AMCxt8hxLtQlSgfY4MHxlNOE/hepArRQ1KoqW8TZ3DaDZacYuHK6TkarBuVshrAa +VR0jBBgwFoAU/z1/F2dGNow5Kac+jx7NtyIM0BAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggGX TkPLvTbMIeZ/DGC6snrnyspVPVun8X1NcdkqOiSWCt5Y1Li4sClXT+XUFaKES4NS SN8LDKX0J+q2n4nRuotaOdq12qs8ZQkMsSI5ueR0soHY1XuSJCK75PFxLJKq3ydm -c/YgEkmZwOBR7ypXnT0Tcele120v+qhCRSeoZIEwtm27Dp8+My82fpx7xMKYAHn8 FhMVy/bQZgl9QAt7HNK7QoISBmkQFYey0Qq7aotloMhlIyCSN569RcKHdPhZCsCE -M6lQJXeXaD8sR9wE2nhxKnTJToebjr9mnlgavSsotnzjnm9fMt5CPGOUtG/qGNfB +c/YgEkmZwOBR7ypXnT0Tcele120v+qhCRSeoZIEwtm27Dp8+My82fpx7xMKYAHn8 VhdODq6KZ9Tk8MnYenC7SfiJ/cR0N/Yw5R8Yaa1K5qO+dyIwfXTkTr/Kg97N72jE +M6lQJXeXaD8sR9wE2nhxKnTJToebjr9mnlgavSsotnzjnm9fMt5CPGOUtG/qGNfB GB/GF1HkbZW7VnGWjgNAozftTRCsFoCTwv/ICcW+vYEDVh+hzWjJ/KLl7PruKDPS rBlWWdV02QtVKpKYKvynML9kyEX6HeM= -----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/test/dummy/config/cert b/test/dummy/config/cert index e69de29..27db0fd 100644 --- a/test/dummy/config/cert +++ b/test/dummy/config/cert @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +MIIFfQIBAAKCATEArnxTeU82frha6g4AchpzAA92ry0PD/FZVK5UiMsbwHfAl/XJ +udVH0+51DSC5X4p9esftRQNCaJY/4zESe15Sna7aR+FyUoE+LcPpzMpCYH61TUzj +YLQLzfay6cw1arn QC87f3tvmWI7F0zb9KWE9c +XepnHyr2QJDzMiL This is an invalid eOUK8hc+uTReTXpAtD3S3X +rC3KeJR+jOynTkJ key block for testing Sc6Cz2uJBeARNLvTBAj66q +zfvMIlBOBRCWSQf please replace with a IfExunVQnU+xbRx7W9Gg3i +NV307K4fgLJbY4b valid client key Y69SOuXgz7ECsoXy1bWQsi +TETM5TX/6dADz0z FCc8I167mT25s2HNLnZ8AI +8zqMwDMRf9x7a4GBGmm7n+YSCLy3f8fejw2ZAQIDAQABAoIBMAt3bSQ8Nz3AT20x +XfEusdn/mGSpq7Co3CprStlr+IaVixpe622FPCNOt0x1RMjR2yrzYkvzC9DZperp +mWLj7XF3X8FS3gd0Whhl4bS5yZuC8cd7Gq4bx8mGPIwqQzwOXb1mJXt5RPv+zU6X +J4cSX0GIUBNb1yVsUDouqo1q+saPgBSjhS4xr6sb38XALvzvgVvY/M7YGpSr0Vyv +ErAwxaGpdk+RppAjcxWBXLuMcIgtU+gSoEogdYzJkoJdwOfcyIllyqlaamcv4T84 +gMWRFncCgZkAzUBt1t3GpuyGVPkD2evtQrBWwg09kx1PAyoNwLDOiarmzUr/euvC +4W+BfbvmH3Q1dfyQMc/+Y2/LAhvwwkp1F66KsF1xcz6q3FCDN0BGurhIH3rsS1r8 +m+FZ324xLCYXYBDXCwa3B1YsX9d54JuzXzClr+t0xoz5lZzDLgwEEdK9bttGBL0w +ReIl7KW/TwKDbkPxe+3yCI8CgZkA2aCJUmCtkvaCIX0Udr6g3iyu6lQYbq532/FW +MNh+KJA3NqXOvGZd9T1DfjlxOqsfGD4H92ekUdy/GdX9SAH4A0RW24gUazNY9N1d +tdkq8OAxwswquvXC0U5WXsZVp6z1CFawjUiZbW8CgZkAvP9V5SOkN7LWY0pFJJad +i+oKiXdduqijR/uiXEuyc4v+KQ2lQM/1DEqu0hGKj+enYJtBGPMe+E9+XuZwYMWe +nsmR1/LNPcM0U3LdOvpviOXv7zNUPyri5sMhjuDFnzMHw1REhsnKqk+XtKJ7yLx9 +I8hiBtKUlBUhietNWEQEnQzxxKMRELaAU+1RFJ7vEVb0JUXFCGPrmbsCgZkAyZrW +4Zr+GyGz96AetksM5svDVqVed9qzxqPX7/i16F3HmIJKS8lVXLj3TDBJAQTJNhSN +m+HD6mlClBNzaa2fCTMLtzjAiYhGsRIZbpagCKPRAmcH5bBPSmi+pahBJMBxxdtx +NdhleRCuWBjM0nBAeYZNkIG3qLegqPaJif4zeJ74QWWsDePox8Xr59C6ev23nUUb +MnMW7zECgZkAwOOGuqJHyUlsVuErs5c/rLyY0NAqrGoiBp3o5fGnuINzrZSO3zvY +PcuBeQmnZbkNarfQxFz1ezcf6jmszNStktDj3tFSR8srqpcRKyUPDi1eHD81n8vv +h1jew1zPRQaQvVZ88p0xacYJeRckbKxcIPGweVqpT9ZJAEGg4J6FFcH+fOIra/7R +TgLJs443xbTO2GM/25Anc/Pj4bnL2GWqDTurTxANAtmKenuWHTcz47Pm5WNhZP/l +WWxi9MBzz/80IediLG6qrlU= +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIEAzCCAlWgAwIBAgIEUFDq+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAPMQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRU +RVNUMB4XDTEyMDkxMjIwMDUxNVoXDTEzMDkxMjIwMDUxNVowOjEPMA0GA1UEChMG +YLQLzfay6cw1arn QC87f3tvmWI7F0zb9KWE9c +XepnHyr2QJDzMiL This is an invalid eOUK8hc+uTReTXpAtD3S3X +rC3KeJR+jOynTkJ cert block for testing Sc6Cz2uJBeARNLvTBAj66q +zfvMIlBOBRCWSQf please replace with a IfExunVQnU+xbRx7W9Gg3i +NV307K4fgLJbY4b valid server cert Y69SOuXgz7ECsoXy1bWQsi +TETM5TX/6dADz0z FCc8I167mT25s2HNLnZ8AI +4GFRwh8TG6dVCdT7FtHHtb0aDeLzOozAMxF/3HtrgYEaabuf5hIIvLd/x96PDZkB +WAotdJzoLPa4kF4BE0u9MECPrqrN+8wiUE4FEJZJB+/M2WFm+pfZgp1qXx6AL0IC +AgMBAAGjdjB0MAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwIwDwYD +VR0PAQH/BAUDAwegADAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUU9Uc5ljBzINN4S6oj80rn+mJTLEwHwYD +AMCxt8hxLtQlSgfY4MHxlNOE/hepArRQ1KoqW8TZ3DaDZacYuHK6TkarBuVshrAa +VR0jBBgwFoAU/z1/F2dGNow5Kac+jx7NtyIM0BAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggGX +TkPLvTbMIeZ/DGC6snrnyspVPVun8X1NcdkqOiSWCt5Y1Li4sClXT+XUFaKES4NS +SN8LDKX0J+q2n4nRuotaOdq12qs8ZQkMsSI5ueR0soHY1XuSJCK75PFxLJKq3ydm +FhMVy/bQZgl9QAt7HNK7QoISBmkQFYey0Qq7aotloMhlIyCSN569RcKHdPhZCsCE +c/YgEkmZwOBR7ypXnT0Tcele120v+qhCRSeoZIEwtm27Dp8+My82fpx7xMKYAHn8 +VhdODq6KZ9Tk8MnYenC7SfiJ/cR0N/Yw5R8Yaa1K5qO+dyIwfXTkTr/Kg97N72jE +M6lQJXeXaD8sR9wE2nhxKnTJToebjr9mnlgavSsotnzjnm9fMt5CPGOUtG/qGNfB +GB/GF1HkbZW7VnGWjgNAozftTRCsFoCTwv/ICcW+vYEDVh+hzWjJ/KLl7PruKDPS +rBlWWdV02QtVKpKYKvynML9kyEX6HeM= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- -- cgit v1.2.3 From 49e72b7456c7ffcbc222f41f468de1e3f6d8e299 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:56:15 +0200 Subject: cleared out unused stuff from core --- core/app/assets/images/leap_web_core/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/assets/javascripts/leap_web_core/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/assets/stylesheets/leap_web_core/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/controllers/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/controllers/home_controller.rb | 5 ----- core/app/helpers/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/mailers/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/models/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/views/.gitkeep | 0 core/app/views/home/index.html.haml | 1 - core/test/integration/navigation_test.rb | 9 --------- core/test/leap_web_core_test.rb | 7 ------- core/test/test_helper.rb | 15 --------------- 13 files changed, 37 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 core/app/assets/images/leap_web_core/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/assets/javascripts/leap_web_core/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/assets/stylesheets/leap_web_core/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/controllers/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/controllers/home_controller.rb delete mode 100644 core/app/helpers/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/mailers/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/models/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/views/.gitkeep delete mode 100644 core/app/views/home/index.html.haml delete mode 100644 core/test/integration/navigation_test.rb delete mode 100644 core/test/leap_web_core_test.rb delete mode 100644 core/test/test_helper.rb diff --git a/core/app/assets/images/leap_web_core/.gitkeep b/core/app/assets/images/leap_web_core/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/assets/javascripts/leap_web_core/.gitkeep b/core/app/assets/javascripts/leap_web_core/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/assets/stylesheets/leap_web_core/.gitkeep b/core/app/assets/stylesheets/leap_web_core/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/controllers/.gitkeep b/core/app/controllers/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/controllers/home_controller.rb b/core/app/controllers/home_controller.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 7db5397..0000000 --- a/core/app/controllers/home_controller.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - -class HomeController < ApplicationController - def index - end -end diff --git a/core/app/helpers/.gitkeep b/core/app/helpers/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/mailers/.gitkeep b/core/app/mailers/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/models/.gitkeep b/core/app/models/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/views/.gitkeep b/core/app/views/.gitkeep deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/core/app/views/home/index.html.haml b/core/app/views/home/index.html.haml deleted file mode 100644 index 82f5152..0000000 --- a/core/app/views/home/index.html.haml +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -%h3 Home diff --git a/core/test/integration/navigation_test.rb b/core/test/integration/navigation_test.rb deleted file mode 100644 index eec8c0e..0000000 --- a/core/test/integration/navigation_test.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -require 'test_helper' - -class NavigationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest - - # test "the truth" do - # assert true - # end -end - diff --git a/core/test/leap_web_core_test.rb b/core/test/leap_web_core_test.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 0dd71ff..0000000 --- a/core/test/leap_web_core_test.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -require 'test_helper' - -class LeapWebCoreTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase - test "truth" do - assert_kind_of Module, LeapWebCore - end -end diff --git a/core/test/test_helper.rb b/core/test/test_helper.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 1e26a31..0000000 --- a/core/test/test_helper.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -# Configure Rails Environment -ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" - -require File.expand_path("../dummy/config/environment.rb", __FILE__) -require "rails/test_help" - -Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! - -# Load support files -Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } - -# Load fixtures from the engine -if ActiveSupport::TestCase.method_defined?(:fixture_path=) - ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixture_path = File.expand_path("../fixtures", __FILE__) -end -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7bfa2bee738408c6ab286947fadf3253ec83c087 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:27:45 +0200 Subject: modified Readme to point out what core currently is for --- core/ | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/core/ b/core/ index f76999e..795c0a4 100644 --- a/core/ +++ b/core/ @@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ Leap Web Core === [Leap]( is the Leap Encryption Access Project and this is the rails app for its web interface. + +This is the its core gem. Currently it only serves to load shared dependencies. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 74fae0787ff98c16fe60f89aa9f789e4e699143f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:42:56 +0200 Subject: proper description for clear task --- lib/tasks/gems.rake | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/lib/tasks/gems.rake b/lib/tasks/gems.rake index 27eb04c..8120235 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/gems.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/gems.rake @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace :gem do putsys "bundle exec rake gem" end - desc "run rake gem for all gems" + desc "clear pkg directory for all gems" task :clear do each_gem do |gem_name| putsys "rm -rf #{gem_name}/pkg" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 69d92d0f4577ccacadce6e8f4b8dc80b5f696777 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:43:30 +0200 Subject: test tasks for all engines replacing rails standard tests --- lib/tasks/test.rake | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+) create mode 100644 lib/tasks/test.rake diff --git a/lib/tasks/test.rake b/lib/tasks/test.rake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c87b45 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/tasks/test.rake @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +namespace :test do + + => "test:prepare") do |t| + t.libs << "test" + t.pattern = '*/test/unit/**/*_test.rb' + end + + => "test:prepare") do |t| + t.libs << "test" + t.pattern = '*/test/functional/**/*_test.rb' + end + + => "test:prepare") do |t| + t.libs << "test" + t.pattern = '*/test/integration/**/*_test.rb' + end + +end -- cgit v1.2.3 From 689c2831680ece3ec8e1cceb45933f9b501b5734 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:43:55 +0200 Subject: get rid of already defined VERSION warnings --- lib/leap_web/version.rb | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/lib/leap_web/version.rb b/lib/leap_web/version.rb index bac8655..6a74082 100644 --- a/lib/leap_web/version.rb +++ b/lib/leap_web/version.rb @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ module LeapWeb - VERSION = "0.1.0" + VERSION = "0.1.0" unless defined?(LeapWeb::VERSION) end -- cgit v1.2.3 From 33ef3d2ac9a03b06ff29f1367c69731a89f1dfc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Azul Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:50:37 +0200 Subject: added srp-js submodule to documentation --- | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 8466ddc..18d9c6d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ Run `bundle install` to install all the required gems. ## Setup ## +### SRP submodule ### + +We currently use a git submodule to include srp-js. This will soon be replaced by a ruby gem. but for now you need to run + +``` + git submodules init + git submodules update +``` + ### Cert Distribution ### The Webapp can hand out certs for the EIP client. These certs are either picked from a pool in CouchDB or from a file. For now you can either run [Leap CA]( to fill the pool or you can put your certs file in config/cert. -- cgit v1.2.3