path: root/app
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-11-08Doc updated on how to customize avatar picture in twitter feature; update err...luca-marie
2016-10-20Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop'Azul
2016-10-08Merge remote-tracking branch 'pr/241' into developAzul
2016-09-30changed number 2 to 3 to have three tweets shownthea
2016-09-30added 'show more tweets'-link when more tweets are existing than displayed, m...thea
2016-09-26Display provider message next to tweets aswellAzul
2016-09-26Merge remote-tracking branch 'pr/239' into developAzul
2016-09-23Fixed typo in helperluca-marie
2016-09-23merging develop and mariethea
2016-09-23increase number of fetched tweets to make sure 3 most recent tweets without R...luca-marie
2016-09-23Doc updated on how to customize avatar picture in twitter feature; update err...luca-marie
2016-09-22same same but slightly differentluca-marie
2016-09-22Modified error messagesluca-marie
2016-09-22initializer/twitter.rb file unnecessary; added change in main view only if tw...luca-marie
2016-09-22included Theas work on error-handling \o/; changed link to twitter-account in...luca-marie
2016-09-22customize: provider message more fine grainedAzul
2016-09-21finished error-handling with different error-messages for different errors. a...theaamanda
2016-09-21included error-handling: twitter-helper includes rescue and error message for...thea
2016-09-13Merge pull request #13 from LoadToCode/marieMarie
2016-09-13Change in code for cachingluca-marie
2016-09-13Merge pull request #12 from LoadToCode/theatheaamanda
2016-09-13reseted index.html.haml old statethea
2016-09-13Added what was once deleted by mistakeluca-marie
2016-09-13Deleting one twitter img, only one is neededluca-marie
2016-09-13Updating CSS and view Codeluca-marie
2016-09-13No need of 2nd Twitter imgluca-marie
2016-09-13Cleaning CSS &view code, updating twitter helper with developluca-marie
2016-09-09Merge pull request #5 from LoadToCode/theaMarie
2016-09-09Added changes in css, view and main view file, as well as default avatar is n...luca-marie
2016-09-09changed times for twitter cachingthea
2016-09-09Added changes in css, view and main view file, as well as default avatar is n...luca-marie
2016-09-08Helper has caching of name and tweets included now \o/luca-marie
2016-09-07changed naming for tweets-method in _index and included time-checking and a t...thea
2016-09-06included extra methods to have the twitter call for twitter name only have ha...thea
2016-09-06Merge pull request #1 from LoadToCode/marietheaamanda
2016-09-05resolved bug from PR #236. Included test environment to secrets-file and incl...thea
2016-09-01Updating the view and CSS, no pic and twitter handle in each tweet;luca-marie
2016-09-01Changes mainly on CSS 'fine tuning' and shortening the Twitter API credentials,luca-marie
2016-09-01Adding config/config.yml file into .gitignore, cleaning up smaller typosluca-marie
2016-09-01Small updates on method to check if twitter feed enabledluca-marie
2016-09-01Code lives now in twitter_helper.rbluca-marie
2016-09-01Twitter controller now as helper, some more styling in CSS, bug fixluca-marie
2016-09-01One more gif to play withluca-marie
2016-09-01Update with Twitterluca-marie
2016-08-26[load] require login_format_validation in sessionAzul
2016-08-19respond_to on a per controller basisAzul
2016-08-17bugfix: send 406 if an unexpected format is asked forAzul
2016-08-12[db] def database on users instead of use_databaseAzul
2016-08-12move temporary_user into lib - fix load issueAzul
2016-07-14[feature] restrict is_admin in the user api, to only allow queryingNavaL