Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2012-11-16 | playing around with pjax-rails but not using it yet | jessib |
2012-11-15 | Some more ticket tests. | jessib |
2012-11-14 | Improvements to functional ticket tests. | jessib |
2012-11-13 | using client side validations during signup | Azul |
2012-11-13 | testing against current staging server | Azul |
2012-11-12 | Some test improvements. | jessib |
2012-11-12 | Merge branch 'develop' into help_develop | jessib |
2012-11-12 | fixed .gitignore | Azul |
2012-11-12 | fixed .gitignore | Azul |
2012-11-12 | Merge branch 'develop' into help_develop | jessib |
2012-11-12 | some notes to test that aren't working now. | jessib |
2012-11-12 | Merge branch 'develop' into feature-client-side-validations | Azul |
2012-11-12 | don't track Gemfile.lock | Azul |
2012-11-12 | commented out an unfinished test | Azul |
2012-11-12 | Merge branch 'feature-warden-srp' into develop | Azul |
2012-11-12 | adding client side validations to the mix | Azul |
2012-11-12 | fixed signup bug and refactored a bit | Azul |
2012-11-09 | Various very small tweaks: comments about main div display in firefox, give i... | jessib |
2012-11-09 | Merge branch 'develop' into help_develop | jessib |
2012-11-09 | seperated the warden classes from the initializer | Azul |
2012-11-09 | got integration test and login flow to work | Azul |
2012-11-09 | Merge branch 'develop' into feature-warden-srp | Azul |
2012-11-09 | merged srp master into json api branch | Azul |
2012-11-08 | First attempt at functionality for admins viewing their own tickets. | jessib |
2012-11-08 | added generic flash block | Azul |
2012-11-08 | Do not overwrite initializer in tickets_controller, as that meant we weren't ... | jessib |
2012-11-07 | Move destroy button out of ticket form. | jessib |
2012-11-07 | Improvements to flow for closing/re-opening tickets. | jessib |
2012-11-06 | Admin deletion of tickets, although need to figure out jquery interaction. An... | jessib |
2012-11-06 | Merge branch 'develop' into help_develop | jessib |
2012-11-06 | undo accidentally reverted srp-js and ruby 1.9 debugger in gemfile | Azul |
2012-11-06 | Merge branch 'develop' of ssh:// into develop | Azul |
2012-11-06 | first steps towards warden srp testing | Azul |
2012-11-05 | Working on functionality for replying to and closing tickets. | jessib |
2012-11-05 | Unit test for is_admin? | jessib |
2012-11-05 | Use the same URL for viewing tickets when authenticated or not---the couchdb ... | jessib |
2012-11-05 | Merge branch 'develop' into help_develop | jessib |
2012-11-04 | fixed functional tests | Azul |
2012-11-04 | using new login helper and cleaning up test a bit | Azul |
2012-11-04 | stubbing current_user the warden way | Azul |
2012-11-04 | Merge branch 'develop' into feature-warden-srp | Azul |
2012-11-04 | using ruby-srp 0.1.4 - ruby 1.9.3 compatible | Azul |
2012-11-04 | using ruby-srp 0.1.4 - ruby 1.9.3 compatible | Azul |
2012-11-04 | fixing tests, including support files from all engines | Azul |
2012-11-04 | minor: yaml syntax fix | Azul |
2012-11-04 | Merge branch 'feature-admin_users' into develop | Azul |
2012-11-02 | Some rough functionality for tickets, like showing ticket list for admins, an... | jessib |
2012-11-02 | add debugger for ruby 1.9 so it works too. | Azul |
2012-11-02 | minor: it's gem install bundler | Azul |
2012-11-02 | Merge branch 'feature-admin_users' into help_develop | jessib |