path: root/help/app/views
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'help/app/views')
2 files changed, 38 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml b/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml
index 6db2140..5e35b12 100644
--- a/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml
+++ b/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-%h2 tickets index (just as space)
+%h1 tickets index (just as space)
Create a
= link_to "new ticket", new_ticket_path
= # below shouldn't be unless logged in
%h2 Tickets
-= # want to have selection option to see tickets, that are open, closed or all
+= form_tag(tickets_path, :method => :get) do # want to redo as ajax, and make sure it displays the selected option
+ - options = ["all", "open", "closed"]
+ - if admin?
+ - options << "open tickets I admin" # obviously not what we will want
+ - options << "all tickets I admin" # obviously not what we will want
+ = select_tag :status, options_for_select(options, :selected => params[:status]|| "all")
+ = submit_tag "filter"
- @tickets.each do |ticket|
= link_to ticket.title, ticket
diff --git a/help/app/views/tickets/show.html.haml b/help/app/views/tickets/show.html.haml
index a9b994e..9b12f34 100644
--- a/help/app/views/tickets/show.html.haml
+++ b/help/app/views/tickets/show.html.haml
@@ -1,26 +1,39 @@
-- if flash[:notice]
- =flash[:notice]
-- if flash[:alert]
- =flash[:alert]
+%h1 tickets show (just as space for firefox)
+%h1 tickets show (just as space for firefox)
%h2= @ticket.title
-is open?
-= @ticket.is_open
-- if @ticket.code
- code:
- = @ticket.code
- if
-- if User.find(@ticket.created_by)
- Created by
- = User.find(@ticket.created_by).login
-- else
- Unauthenticated ticket creator
+ - if User.find(@ticket.created_by)
+ Created by
+ = User.find(@ticket.created_by).login
+ - else
+ Unauthenticated ticket creator
+ = "status:"
+ - if @ticket.is_open
+ = 'open'
+ = #link_to 'close', ticket_path, :method => :put
+ = #button_to 'close', ticket_path, :method => :put
+ = button_to 'close', {:change_status => :close}, :method => :put
+ - else
+ = 'closed'
+ = button_to 'open', {:change_status => :open}, :method => :put
= render(:partial => "comment", :collection => @ticket.comments)
+= #render @ticket.comments should work if view is in /app/views/comments/_comment
-= simple_form_for (@ticket, :html => {:novalidate => true}) do |f| #turn off html5 validations to test
+= simple_form_for(@ticket, :html => {:novalidate => true}) do |f| #turn off html5 validations to test
= f.simple_fields_for :comments, do |c|
= c.input :body, :label => 'Comment', :as => :text
= #render :partial => 'new_comment'
- = f.button :submit
- = link_to t(:cancel), tickets_path, :class => :btn \ No newline at end of file
+ = #f.label :is_open
+ = :is_open, [true, false] #remove
+ = f.button :submit, @post_reply_str
+ - if @ticket.is_open
+ = f.button :submit, @reply_close_str
+= #link_to t(:destroy), ticket_path, :confirm => 'are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => :btn if admin? # for link_to to work with delete, need to figure out jquery interaction correctly. see etc..
+= button_to 'destroy', ticket_path, :confirm => 'are you sure?', :method => :delete if admin?
+= # TODO want to have button to close
+= # TODO if admin, have button to delete
+= link_to t(:cancel), tickets_path, :class => :btn