path: root/core/lib/extensions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/lib/extensions')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/core/lib/extensions/couchrest.rb b/core/lib/extensions/couchrest.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a195e..0000000
--- a/core/lib/extensions/couchrest.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-module CouchRest
- module Model
- module Designs
- class View
- # so we can called Ticket.method.descending or Ticket.method.ascending
- def ascending
- self
- end
- end
- class DesignMapper
- def load_views(dir)
- Dir.glob("#{dir}/*.js") do |js|
- name = File.basename(js, '.js')
- file =, 'r')
- view name.to_sym,
- :map =>,
- :reduce => "function(key, values, rereduce) { return sum(values); }"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module Connection
- module ClassMethods
- def use_database(db)
- @database = prepare_database(db)
- rescue RestClient::Exception,
- Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
- message = "Could not connect to couch database #{db} due to #{e.to_s}"
- Rails.logger.warn message
- raise if APP_CONFIG[:reraise_errors]
- end
- end
- end
- module Utils
- module Migrate
- def self.load_all_models_with_engines
- self.load_all_models_without_engines
- return unless defined?(Rails)
- Dir[Rails.root + '*/app/models/**/*.rb'].each do |path|
- require path
- end
- end
- class << self
- alias_method_chain :load_all_models, :engines
- end
- def dump_all_models
- prepare_directory
- find_models.each do |model|
- model.design_docs.each do |design|
- dump_design(model, design)
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def dump_design(model, design)
- dir = prepare_directory
- filename ='_design/','') + '.json'
- puts dir + filename
- design.checksum
- + filename, "w") do |file|
- file.write(JSON.pretty_generate(design.to_hash))
- end
- end
- def prepare_directory(dir = '')
- dir = Rails.root + 'tmp' + 'designs' + dir
- Dir.mkdir(dir) unless Dir.exists?(dir)
- return dir
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class ModelRailtie
- config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses.merge!(
- 'CouchRest::Model::DocumentNotFound' => :not_found,
- 'RestClient::ResourceNotFound' => :not_found
- )
- end
diff --git a/core/lib/extensions/testing.rb b/core/lib/extensions/testing.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7e73c..0000000
--- a/core/lib/extensions/testing.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-module LeapWebCore
- module AssertResponses
- # response that works with different TestCases:
- # ActionController::TestCase has @response
- # ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest has @response
- # Rack::Test::Methods defines last_response
- def get_response
- @response || last_response
- end
- def assert_attachement_filename(name)
- assert_equal %Q(attachment; filename="#{name}"),
- get_response.headers["Content-Disposition"]
- end
- def json_response
- response = JSON.parse(get_response.body)
- response.respond_to?(:with_indifferent_access) ?
- response.with_indifferent_access :
- response
- end
- def assert_json_response(object)
- assert_equal 'application/json',
- get_response.content_type.to_s.split(';').first
- if object.is_a? Hash
- object.stringify_keys! if object.respond_to? :stringify_keys!
- assert_equal object, json_response
- else
- assert_equal object.to_json, get_response.body
- end
- end
- def assert_json_error(object)
- object.stringify_keys! if object.respond_to? :stringify_keys!
- assert_json_response :errors => object
- end
- end
-class ::ActionController::TestCase
- include LeapWebCore::AssertResponses
-class ::ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- include LeapWebCore::AssertResponses