path: root/test/integration/browser
diff options
authorAzul <>2016-05-01 10:55:33 -0300
committerAzul <>2016-05-18 20:07:41 +0200
commite05a1b0f5ae40a2aa17976b3009cd563b8e4660a (patch)
tree77774fd7e70211febaf3a15c6e3b3e7340843c11 /test/integration/browser
parenta1b494e334406660a1f49fb7de9b043493809640 (diff)
api: allow version bumping - bump to 2
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/browser')
2 files changed, 154 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/browser/account_livecycle_test.rb.orig b/test/integration/browser/account_livecycle_test.rb.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f800b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/browser/account_livecycle_test.rb.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class AccountLivecycleTest < BrowserIntegrationTest
+ teardown do
+ Identity.destroy_all_orphaned
+ end
+ test "signup successfully when invited" do
+ username, password = submit_signup
+ assert page.has_content?("Welcome #{username}")
+ click_on 'Log Out'
+ assert page.has_content?("Log In")
+ assert_equal '/', current_path
+ assert user = User.find_by_login(username)
+ user.account.destroy
+ end
+ test "signup successfully without invitation" do
+ with_config invite_required: false do
+ username ||= "test_#{SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64}".downcase
+ password ||= SecureRandom.base64
+ visit '/users/new'
+ fill_in 'Username', with: username
+ fill_in 'Password', with: password
+ fill_in 'Password confirmation', with: password
+ click_on 'Sign Up'
+ assert page.has_content?("Welcome #{username}")
+ end
+ end
+ test "signup with username ending in dot json" do
+ username = Faker::Internet.user_name + '.json'
+ submit_signup username
+ assert page.has_content?("Welcome #{username}")
+ end
+ test "signup with reserved username" do
+ username = 'certmaster'
+ submit_signup username
+ assert page.has_content?("is reserved.")
+ end
+ test "successful login" do
+ username, password = submit_signup
+ click_on 'Log Out'
+ attempt_login(username, password)
+ assert page.has_content?("Welcome #{username}")
+ within('.sidenav') do
+ assert page.has_content?("Overview")
+ end
+ User.find_by_login(username).account.destroy
+ end
+ test "failed login" do
+ visit '/'
+ attempt_login("username", "wrong password")
+ assert_invalid_login(page)
+ end
+ test "account destruction" do
+ username, password = submit_signup
+ click_on I18n.t('account_settings')
+ click_on I18n.t('destroy_my_account')
+ assert page.has_content?(I18n.t('account_destroyed'))
+ assert_equal 1, Identity.by_address.key("#{username}").count
+ attempt_login(username, password)
+ assert_invalid_login(page)
+ end
+ test "handle blocked after account destruction" do
+ username, password = submit_signup
+ click_on I18n.t('account_settings')
+ click_on I18n.t('destroy_my_account')
+ submit_signup(username)
+ assert page.has_content?('has already been taken')
+ end
+ test "change pgp key" do
+ with_config user_actions: ['change_pgp_key'] do
+ pgp_key = :pgp_key
+ login
+ click_on "Account Settings"
+ within('#update_pgp_key') do
+ fill_in 'Public key', with: pgp_key
+ click_on 'Save'
+ end
+ page.assert_selector 'input[value="Saving..."]'
+ # at some point we're done:
+ page.assert_no_selector 'input[value="Saving..."]'
+ assert page.has_field? 'Public key', with: pgp_key.to_s
+ @user.reload
+ assert_equal pgp_key, @user.public_key
+ end
+ end
+<<<<<<< HEAD:test/integration/browser/account_livecycle_test.rb
+ # trying to seed an invalid A for srp login
+ test "detects attempt to circumvent SRP" do
+ InviteCodeValidator.any_instance.stubs(:validate)
+ user = FactoryGirl.create :user
+ visit '/login'
+ fill_in 'Username', with: user.login
+ fill_in 'Password', with: "password"
+ inject_malicious_js
+ click_on 'Log In'
+ assert page.has_content?("Invalid random key")
+ assert page.has_no_content?("Welcome")
+ user.destroy
+ end
+ test "reports internal server errors" do
+ Api::UsersController.any_instance.stubs(:create).raises
+ submit_signup
+ assert page.has_content?("server failed")
+ end
+ test "does not render signup form without js" do
+ Capybara.current_driver = :rack_test # no js
+ visit '/signup'
+ assert page.has_no_content?("Username")
+ assert page.has_no_content?("Password")
+ end
+ test "does not render login form without js" do
+ Capybara.current_driver = :rack_test # no js
+ visit '/login'
+ assert page.has_no_content?("Username")
+ assert page.has_no_content?("Password")
+ end
+>>>>>>> api: allow version bumping - bump to 2:test/integration/browser/account_test.rb
+ def attempt_login(username, password)
+ click_on 'Log In'
+ fill_in 'Username', with: username
+ fill_in 'Password', with: password
+ click_on 'Log In'
+ end
+ def assert_invalid_login(page)
+ assert page.has_selector? '.btn-primary.disabled'
+ assert page.has_content? I18n.t(:invalid_user_pass)
+ assert page.has_no_selector? '.btn-primary.disabled'
+ end
diff --git a/test/integration/browser/security_test.rb b/test/integration/browser/security_test.rb
index c13acd8..825d50b 100644
--- a/test/integration/browser/security_test.rb
+++ b/test/integration/browser/security_test.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class SecurityTest < BrowserIntegrationTest
test "reports internal server errors" do
- V1::UsersController.any_instance.stubs(:create).raises
+ Api::UsersController.any_instance.stubs(:create).raises
assert page.has_content?("server failed")