path: root/help/app/views
diff options
authorjessib <>2012-11-16 15:43:12 -0800
committerjessib <>2012-11-16 15:43:12 -0800
commit341da14b031c3c27e687c82f479624217c1dbddd (patch)
treee97b617b0dec8c88c01f150c0cc489d6ff56196d /help/app/views
parent18a67ffdc21e44e21363f863b1a31d74b98ee3eb (diff)
Rough start to modeling tickets view after the issues view in github (so something like ), using bootstrap for display.
Still want to use pjax, and have more functionality to add: searching, sorting, pagination, etc..
Diffstat (limited to 'help/app/views')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml b/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml
index 5e35b12..95b65c0 100644
--- a/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml
+++ b/help/app/views/tickets/index.html.haml
@@ -1,16 +1,39 @@
%h1 tickets index (just as space)
+%h1 tickets index (just as space)
+%h1 tickets index (just as space)
Create a
= link_to "new ticket", new_ticket_path
-= # below shouldn't be unless logged in
-%h2 Tickets
-= form_tag(tickets_path, :method => :get) do # want to redo as ajax, and make sure it displays the selected option
- - options = ["all", "open", "closed"]
- - if admin?
- - options << "open tickets I admin" # obviously not what we will want
- - options << "all tickets I admin" # obviously not what we will want
- = select_tag :status, options_for_select(options, :selected => params[:status]|| "all")
- = submit_tag "filter"
-- @tickets.each do |ticket|
- %p
- = link_to ticket.title, ticket
-= #render(:partial => "ticket", :collection => @tickets)
+= #%div{"data-pjax-container" => ""} # not sure how to get this working right
+ .span2
+ - if admin?
+ %h4 whose tickets
+ %ul.nav.nav-pills
+ %li{:class => ("active" if params[:admin_status] == 'mine')}
+ = link_to 'only tickets i admin', {:admin_status => 'mine', :open_status => params[:open_status]}
+ %li{:class => ("active" if params[:admin_status] != 'mine')}
+ = link_to 'all', {:admin_status => 'all', :open_status => params[:open_status]}
+ .span10
+ %ul.nav.nav-tabs
+ %li{:class => ("active" if params[:open_status] != 'closed' and params[:open_status] != 'all')}
+ = link_to 'open issues', {:open_status => 'open', :admin_status => params[:admin_status]}
+ %li{:class => ("active" if params[:open_status] == 'closed')}
+ = link_to 'closed issues', {:open_status => 'closed', :admin_status => params[:admin_status]}
+ = #%a{:href => "#"} closed issue
+ %li{:class => ("active" if params[:open_status] == 'all')}
+ = link_to 'open & closed issues', {:open_status => 'all', :admin_status => params[:admin_status]}
+ - @tickets.each do |ticket|
+ %p
+ = link_to ticket.title, ticket
+ comments by:
+ = ticket.commenters
+%div{"data-pjax-container" => ""}
+ / PJAX updates will go here
+ hmmm