diff options
authorAzul <>2012-11-25 13:21:23 +0100
committerAzul <>2012-11-26 09:30:51 +0100
commit76a3b91ad78d12ef82a0c01ca702720a510f1e22 (patch)
parentee3c9146e4bbe93ec1f00ee45386a82ec4363c4d (diff)
basic changing of password and login working
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/users/app/assets/javascripts/srp b/users/app/assets/javascripts/srp
-Subproject 076d6e251e4caf826787d87b11434e535960455
+Subproject fff770a866b44abce6fe0fc5d5ffde034225436
diff --git a/users/app/assets/javascripts/ b/users/app/assets/javascripts/
index d0ec32f..5663161 100644
--- a/users/app/assets/javascripts/
+++ b/users/app/assets/javascripts/
@@ -1,40 +1,17 @@
preventDefault = (event) ->
-validOrAbort = (event) ->
- errors = {}
- abortIfErrors = ->
- return if $.isEmptyObject(errors)
- # we're relying on client_side_validations here instead of printing
- # our own errors. This gets us translatable error messages.
- $('.control-group.error input, .control-group.error select, control-group.error textarea').first().focus()
- event.stopImmediatePropagation()
- validatePassword = ->
- password = $('#srp_password').val()
- confirmation = $('#srp_password_confirmation').val()
- login = $('#srp_username').val()
- if password != confirmation
- errors.password_confirmation = "Confirmation does not match!"
- if password == login
- errors.password = "Password and Login may not match!"
- if password.length < 8
- errors.password = "Password needs to be at least 8 characters long!"
- validatePassword()
- abortIfErrors()
srp.session = new srp.Session()
srp.signedUp = ->
- window.location = '/'
+ srp.login
srp.loggedIn = ->
window.location = '/'
+#// TODO: not sure this is what we want.
+srp.updated = ->
+ window.location = '/'
srp.error = (message) ->
if $.isPlainObject(message) && message.errors
for field, error of message.errors
@@ -46,8 +23,9 @@ srp.error = (message) ->
$(document).ready ->
$('#new_user').submit preventDefault
- $('#new_user').submit validOrAbort
$('#new_user').submit srp.signup
$('#new_session').submit preventDefault
$('#new_session').submit srp.login
+ $('.user.form.edit').submit srp.update
+ $('.user.form.edit').submit preventDefault
diff --git a/users/app/views/users/_form.html.haml b/users/app/views/users/_form.html.haml
index 8914241..d26d17d 100644
--- a/users/app/views/users/_form.html.haml
+++ b/users/app/views/users/_form.html.haml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-= simple_form_for @user, :validate => true, :html => {:class => 'form-horizontal'} do |f|
+- html = {:class => 'form-horizontal user form ' + (@user.new_record? ? 'new' : 'edit')}
+= simple_form_for @user, :validate => true, :html => html do |f|
= @user.new_record? ? t(:signup_message) : t(:edit_settings)
= f.input :login, :input_html => { :id => :srp_username }