@title = 'Upgrade to 0.9' @toc = false Upgrading to Platform 0.9 --------------------------------------------- You will need the new version of leap_cli: workstation$ sudo gem install leap_cli --version=1.9 If you don't want to install using 'sudo': workstation$ gem install --user-install leap_cli --version=1.9 workstation$ PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin" Because 0.9 does not use submodules anymore, you must remove them before pulling the latest leap_platform from git: workstation$ cd leap_platform workstation$ for dir in $(git submodule | awk '{print $2}'); do workstation$ git submodule deinit $dir workstation$ done workstation$ git pull workstation$ git checkout 0.9.0 Alternately, just clone a fresh leap_platform: workstation$ git clone https://leap.se/git/leap_platform workstation$ cd leap_platform workstation$ git checkout 0.9.0 Then, just deploy workstation$ cd PROVIDER_DIR workstation$ leap deploy Known issues --------------------------------------------- When upgrading, sometimes systemd does not report the correct state of a daemon. The daemon will be not running, but systemd thinks it is. The symptom of this is that a deploy will succeed but `leap test` will fail. To fix, you can run `systemctl stop DAEMON` and then `systemctl start DAEMON` on the affected host (systemctl restart seems to work less reliably).