@title = "couchdb" @summary = "Data storage for all user data." Topology ------------------------ `couchdb` nodes communicate heavily with `webapp`, `mx`, and `soledad` nodes. Typically, `couchdb` nodes will also have the `soledad` service. `couchdb` nodes do not need to be reachable from the public internet, although the `soledad` service does require this. Configuration ---------------------------- There are no options that should be modified for `couchdb` nodes. NOTE: The LEAP platform is designed to support many database nodes. The goal is for you to be able to add nodes and remove nodes and everything should rebalance and work smoothly. Currently, however, we are using a broken CouchDB variant called BigCouch. Until we migrate off BigCouch, you should only have one `couchdb` node. More than one will work most of the time, but there are some bugs that can pop up and that are unfixed. Manual Tasks --------------------- ### Rebalance Cluster Bigcouch currently does not have automatic rebalancing. It will probably be added after merging into couchdb. If you add a node, or remove one node from the cluster, . make sure you have a backup of all DBs ! . put the webapp into [maintenance mode](https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/services/webapp#maintenance-mode) . Stop all services that access the database: * leap-mx * postfix * soledad-server * nickserver . dump the dbs: cd /srv/leap/couchdb/scripts time ./couchdb_dumpall.sh . delete all dbs . shut down old node . check the couchdb members curl -s —netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc -X GET curl -s —netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc . remove bigcouch from all nodes apt-get --purge remove bigcouch . deploy to all couch nodes leap deploy development +couchdb . most likely, deploy will fail because bigcouch will complain about not all nodes beeing connected. Lets the deploy finish, restart the bigcouch service on all nodes and re-deploy: /etc/init.d/bigcouch restart . restore the backup cd /srv/leap/couchdb/scripts time ./couchdb_restoreall.sh ### Migrating from bigcouch to plain couchdb . make sure you have a backup of all DBs ! . put the webapp into [maintenance mode](https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/services/webapp#maintenance-mode) . Stop all services that access the database: * leap-mx * postfix * soledad-server * nickserver . dump the dbs: cd /srv/leap/couchdb/scripts time ./couchdb_dumpall.sh . stop bigcouch /etc/init.d/bigcouch stop . remove bigcouch apt-get remove bigcouch . configure couch node to use plain couchdb instead of bigcouch. See section "Use plain couchdb instead of bigcouch" below for details. . deploy to all couch nodes leap deploy development +couchdb . restore the backup cd /srv/leap/couchdb/scripts time ./couchdb_restoreall.sh . start services again that were stopped in the beginning . check if everything is working, including running the test on your deployment machine: leap test . Remove old bigcouch data dir `/opt` after you double checked everything is in place ### Re-enabling blocked account When a user account gets destroyed from the webapp, there's still a leftover doc in the identities db so other ppl can't claim that account without admin's intervention. Here's how you delete that doc and therefore enable registration for that particular account again: . grep the identities db for the email address: curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc -X GET|grep test_127@bitmask.net . lookup "id" and "rev" to delete the doc: curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc -X DELETE '' ### How to find out which userstore belongs to which identity ? /usr/bin/curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc '' | grep testuser {"id":"665e004870ee17aa4c94331ff3ecb173","key":"665e004870ee17aa4c94331ff3ecb173","value":{"rev":"2-2e335a75c4b79a5c2ef5c9950706fe1b"},"doc":{"_id":"665e004870ee17aa4c94331ff3ecb173","_rev":"2-2e335a75c4b79a5c2ef5c9950706fe1b","user_id":"665e004870ee17aa4c94331ff3cd59eb","address":"testuser@example.org","destination":"testuser@example.org","keys": ... * search for the "user_id" field * in this example testuser@example.org uses the database user-665e004870ee17aa4c94331ff3cd59eb ### How much disk space is used by a userstore Beware that this returns the uncompacted disk size (see http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Compaction) echo "`curl --netrc -s -X GET ''|json_pp|grep disk_size|cut -d: -f 2`/1024"|bc ## Use plain couchdb instead of bigcouch Use this in your couchdb node config: "couch": { "master": true, "pwhash_alg": "pbkdf2" }