@title = 'Bitmask known issues' @nav_title = 'Known issues' @summary = 'Known issues in Bitmask.' @toc = true Here you can find documentation about known issues and potential work-arounds in the current Bitmask release. No polkit agent available ------------------------- To run Bitmask and the services correctly you need to have a running polkit agent. If you don't have one you will get an error and won't be able to start Bitmask. The currently recognized polkit agents are: | process name | Who uses it? | |---------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| | `polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1` | Gnome | | `polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1` | KDE | | `polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1` | Mate | | `lxpolkit` or `lxsession` | LXDE | | `xfce-polkit` | XFCE | | `gnome-shell` | Gnome shell | | `fingerprint-polkit-agent` | the `fingerprint-gui` package | If you have a different polkit agent running that it's not in that list, please report a bug so we can include in our checks. You can get the list of running processes that match polkit with the following command: `ps aux | grep -i polkit`. Here is an example on my KDE desktop: ➜ ps aux | grep polkit root 1392 0.0 0.0 298972 6120 ? Sl Sep22 0:02 /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd --no-debug user 1702 0.0 0.0 12972 920 pts/16 S+ 16:42 0:00 grep polkit user 3259 0.0 0.4 559764 38464 ? Sl Sep22 0:05 /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 Note that `polkitd` is not a valid agent, is just the daemon, you still need an agent running. Other Issues ------------ - You may get the error: "Unable to connect: Problem with provider" in situations when the problem is the network instead of the provider. See: https://leap.se/code/issues/4023 Mail issues =========== Note that email is not stable yet so this list may not be accurate. - If you have received a big amount of mails (tested with more than 400), you may experience that Thunderbird won't respond. That problem does not happen if you have the client open and Thunderbird loading mails while are reaching your inbox. - Opening the same account from more than one box at the same time will possibly break your account. - You may get an error on Thunderbird about not being able to reach the IMAP server. This happens during long syncs. - If you have a big amount of emails and email traffic the syncs may be very slow and your account will be most of the time syncing. Key generation too slow? ------------------------ When you create a new mail account, the key generation may take a while. While it is normal that takes approx. 5mins, on virtual machines sometimes takes a very long time. As long as a 40min!. Using one of this tricks/hacks that time can be reduced to <5min. If you are just testing mail accounts and **do not worry about security** you can use some tricks to generate the extra entropy needed to speed up the process. 1. Manually generate entropy Move the mouse, type stuff, browse the internet and local files, etc. 1. Use haveged Install the haveged package, most likely is available through your distro's package manager. See: http://www.issihosts.com/haveged/ 1. Generate IO (may not work on SSDs) find / -type f -print0 2>&1 | xargs -0 cat &> /dev/null If you want more information you can take a look at: https://leap.se/code/issues/4656