@nav_title = 'Hacking' @title = 'Setting up a development environment' Quick start =========== This document will guide you to get an environment ready to contribute code to Bitmask. Using an automagic script ========================= You can use a helper script that will get you started with bitmask and all the related repos. 1. download automagic script 2. run it :) Commands so you can copy/paste: $ mkdir bitmask && cd bitmask $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leapcode/bitmask_client/develop/pkg/scripts/bootstrap_develop.sh $ chmod +x bootstrap_develop.sh $ ./bootstrap_develop.sh help # check out the options :) $ ./bootstrap_develop.sh deps # requires sudo $ ./bootstrap_develop.sh init ro $ ./bootstrap_develop.sh helpers # requires sudo $ ./bootstrap_develop.sh run This script allows you to get started, update and run the bitmask app with all its repositories. Note: the `deps` option is meant to be used in a Debian based Linux distro. Doing the work manually ======================= Clone the repo -------------- > **note** > > Stable releases are in *master* branch. Development code lives in > *develop* branch. git clone https://leap.se/git/bitmask_client git checkout develop Install Dependencies -------------------- Bitmask depends on these libraries: - python 2.6 or 2.7 - qt4 libraries - openssl - [openvpn](http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/345-openvpn-project.html) ### Install dependencies in a Debian based distro In debian-based systems: $ sudo apt-get install git make python-dev python-setuptools python-virtualenv python-pip libssl-dev python-openssl libsqlite3-dev g++ openvpn pyside-tools python-pyside libffi-dev libzmq-dev protobuf-compiler Working with virtualenv ----------------------- ### Intro *Virtualenv* is the *Virtual Python Environment builder*. It is a tool to create isolated Python environments. > The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application requires version 2. How can you use both these applications? If you install everything into `/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages` (or whatever your platform's standard location is), it's easy to end up in a situation where you unintentionally upgrade an application that shouldn't be upgraded. Read more about it in the [project documentation page](http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/virtualenv.html). ### Create and activate your dev environment You first create a virtualenv in any directory that you like: $ mkdir ~/Virtualenvs $ virtualenv ~/Virtualenvs/bitmask $ source ~/Virtualenvs/bitmask/bin/activate (bitmask)$ Note the change in the prompt. ### Avoid compiling PySide inside a virtualenv If you attempt to install PySide inside a virtualenv as part of the rest of the dependencies using pip, basically it will take ages to compile. As a workaround, you can run the following script after creating your virtualenv. It will symlink to your global PySide installation (*this is the recommended way if you are running a debian-based system*): $ pkg/postmkvenv.sh A second option if that does not work for you would be to install PySide globally and pass the `--system-site-packages` option when you are creating your virtualenv: $ apt-get install python-pyside $ virtualenv --system-site-packages . After that, you must export `LEAP_VENV_SKIP_PYSIDE` to skip the installation: $ export LEAP_VENV_SKIP_PYSIDE=1 And now you are ready to proceed with the next section. ### Install python dependencies You can install python dependencies with `pip`. If you do it inside your working environment, they will be installed avoiding the need for administrative permissions: $ pip install -r pkg/requirements.pip This step is not strictly needed, since the `setup.py develop` in the next paragraph with also fetch the needed dependencies. But you need to know abou it: when you or any person in the development team will be adding a new dependency, you will have to repeat this command so that the new dependencies are installed inside your virtualenv. Install Bitmask --------------- Normally we would install the `leap.bitmask` package as any other package inside the virtualenv. But, instead, we will be using setuptools **development mode**. The difference is that, instead of installing the package in a permanent location in your regular installed packages path, it will create a link from the local site-packages to your working directory. In this way, your changes will always be in the installation path without need to install the package you are working on.:: (bitmask)$ python2 setup.py develop --always-unzip After this step, your Bitmask launcher will be located at `~/Virtualenvs/bitmask/bin/bitmask`, and it will be in the path as long as you have sourced your virtualenv. Note: the `--always-unzip` option prevents some dependencies to be installed in a zip/egg, which causes some issues with libraries like 'scrypt' that needs to access to the files directly from the filesystem. Compile Qt resources -------------------- We also need to compile the resource files: (bitmask)$ make Note: you need to repeat this step each time you change a `.ui` file. Running openvpn without root privileges --------------------------------------- In linux, we are using `policykit` to be able to run openvpn without root privileges, and a policy file is needed to be installed for that to be possible. The setup script tries to install the policy file when installing bitmask system-wide, so if you have installed bitmask in your global site-packages at least once it should have copied this file for you. If you *only* are running bitmask from inside a virtualenv, you will need to copy this file by hand: $ sudo cp pkg/linux/polkit/se.leap.bitmask.policy /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ Installing the bitmask EIP helper --------------------------------- In linux, we have a `openvpn` and `firewall` helper that is needed to run EIP. You need to manually copy it from `bitmask_client/pkg/linux/bitmask-root`. Use the following command to do so: $ sudo cp bitmask_client/pkg/linux/bitmask-root /usr/sbin/ Running! -------- If everything went well, you should be able to run your client by invoking `bitmask`. If it does not get launched, or you just want to see more verbose output, try the debug mode: (bitmask)$ bitmask --debug