@title = 'LEAP Platform 0.8.2 Release' @author = 'sysdevs' @posted_at = '2016-09-01' @more = true @preview_image = '/img/pages/eight.jpg' We are releasing Platform 0.8.2 today. This is release fixes a potential security issue where VPN clients are able to communicate with other connected VPN clients. It is just a minor release to fix bugs, security issues and further stabilize the 0.8.1 release. This release has only a few, but important, changes. By design it does not contain any new features. Please see below for requirements and details for upgrading. UPGRADING: It is tricky to upgrade the OS and migrate the database. Please follow our [[upgrade tutorial => upgrade-0-8]]. WARNING: failure to migrate data from BigCouch to CouchDB will cause all user accounts to get destroyed. Changes: * couchdb errors on specific users * fix mail sending domain * fix Tor hidden services for static sites * fix Tor hidden service hostname * fix for tor not being restarted when the key or HS hostname is changed * fix leap add-user when gem is missing * fix for leap cert csr not creating cert files * fix for bind9 being greedy and taking over unbound's role * fix some unnecessary puppet messages * fix mail delivery/clamav tests * fix static host apache virtual host configuration * fix for DKIM keys not getting deployed * fix for VPN allowing network access to other connected clients * remove unnecessary nagios soledad check * fix missing auth.log * fix duplicate syslog messages * extend local check_mk checks * use nodelay socket option for couchdb httpd server Compatibility: * Now, soledad and couchdb must be on the same node. * Requires Debian Jessie. Wheezy is no longer supported. * Requires CouchDB, BigCouch is no longer supported. * Requires leap_cli version 1.8 * Requires bitmask client version >= 0.9 * Includes: * leap_mx 0.8 * webapp 0.8 * soledad 0.8 Links: * Commits: https://leap.se/git/leap_platform.git/shortlog/refs/tags/0.8.1 * Issues fixed: https://leap.se/code/versions/209