LEAP Web Pages ================================== This is the repository for the LEAP website at https://leap.se. It is entirely static, but relies on a bunch of apache tricks for things like language negotiation. A static website generator called `amber` is used to render the source files into html files. To submit changes, please fork this repo and issue pull requests on github. For more information how to use `amber`, see: https://github.com/leapcode/amber. For now, there is no post-commit hook on this repo that automatically triggers an update to the website. To deploy the current version: sudo gem install capistrano git clone https://leap.se/git/leap_se cd leap_se cap deploy You will need pubkey access to ssh://website@hare.leap.se for this to work. The deploy pulls directly from master branch of https://leap.se/git/leap_se (in other words, local changes are not deployed).