AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-04-27Add blog post for improved data syncdrebs
2018-04-04Update _footer.html.hamlisydor
2018-03-12updated project ideasKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-03-06Clone leap_platform stable branch for production deploymentVarac
2018-03-06Only run CD for known LEAP devsVarac
2018-02-27Update to use the current stable releaseWhilelM
2018-02-20Fix platform indroduction linkVarac
2018-02-15Merged branch master into masterkwadronaut
2018-02-15add Vagrant note on Ubuntukwadronaut
2018-02-06add Vagrant note on Ubuntukwadronaut
2018-01-28Merge branch 'doc-ci' into 'master'micah
2018-01-25Document CI deployVarac
2018-01-25Use own ruby image for production CIVarac
2018-01-25Merge branch 'setup-reviewapp' into 'master'Varac
2018-01-25setup review appsetup-reviewappMicah Anderson
2017-12-22Add news about katzenpost hackathonRuben Pollan
2017-12-14added bitcoin donation addresselijah
2017-12-05add upgrade and install instructions platform releas blogkwadronaut
2017-12-03Update bitmask description.Ruben Pollan
2017-11-30add menu entry for platform upgradekwadronaut
2017-11-30[docs] add update instructions for 0.10 platformkwadronaut
2017-11-30[docs] add upgrade notes to platfrom docs for 0.10kwadronaut
2017-11-29Add spanish translationRuben Pollan
2017-11-29Updating bitmask and platform description in the front pageRuben Pollan
2017-11-28add preview image for bitmask postsKali Kaneko
2017-11-28fix syntax errorMicah Anderson
2017-11-28some fixes to formattingMicah Anderson
2017-11-28put images in correct locationMicah Anderson
2017-11-28add platform 0.10.0 release announcement news itemMicah Anderson
2017-11-28Add missing news itemsMicah Anderson
2017-11-28update tor informationMicah Anderson
2017-11-20Document automatic deploys from CIVarac
2017-11-20fix broken links on bitmask-oh-nine-fourJustin Bottega
2017-11-16replace github source code links with 0xacabJustin Bottega
2017-11-15Merge branch 'issue-9' into 'master'micah
2017-11-15Merge branch 'issue-8' into 'master'micah
2017-11-12[docs] replace download URL with page that usesJustin Bottega
2017-11-12[docs] update bitmask supported distributionsJustin Bottega
2017-10-28remove btc donation addresselijah
2017-10-25Docs: improve invite code documentationkwadronaut
2017-10-23Replace soledad doc with page generated from soledad repo.drebs
2017-09-27Add report-a-bug to menuVarac
2017-09-27Fix broken line endings of multiline variableVarac
2017-09-27Merge branch 'deploy_from_ci' into 'master'Varac
2017-09-27Deploy changes to website from CIVarac
2017-09-27Add a page how to report bugsvarac
2017-09-27Git ignore .rbenv-gemsets and .ruby-versionVarac
2017-08-18Remove haproxy (#8144)varac
2017-06-13Fix platform repo installationVarac
2017-06-13Polish merge-requests/7Varac