path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-07-11[pkg] remove dependency on dirspecdrebs
This commit removes the dep introduced in 5e12233 by just importing some tiny bit of dirspec code. The previous change was introduced because: * pyxdg did not account for Mac OS specifics, i.e. using ~/Library/ directory structure instead of .config (see: * dirspec does the correct thing for xdg on Mac OS. * u1db depends on dirspec anyway. The problem is that dirspec is not maintained and published on pypi, what forces us to download it from an URL and add exceptions to be able to pip install it. As we are removing dependence on u1db on other modules, we can also remove it here. To workaround the Mac OS problem, we just add some code from dirspec to ensure we get the correct directory on Mac OS.
2016-05-18[pkg] setup: use new versioneer json formatKali Kaneko
2016-04-01[pkg] update to versioneer 0.16Kali Kaneko
2016-03-10[setup] Added docs on how to run the testsBruno Wagner
Also added dirspec directly to the setuptools for now, because it needs the dependency along with the url, but pip would break if it had both
2016-03-10[setup] Added dirspec url to requirementsBruno Wagner
I also added a conditional to the so that python develop can be used even with the dirspec url
2015-11-02[pkg] rename extras to 'http'Kali Kaneko
and document the dependencies on the README.
2015-08-28[style] pep8 fixesKali Kaneko
2015-07-23[style] fixed extra requires typoBruno Wagner
2015-06-02[bug] Use BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS for checkingVictor Shyba
While testing the way that its implemented now, I found out that no check is being made on certificate attributes against the host. I found this simple way of creating a BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS using a self signed cert and it worked on my test. I used test_https from Soledad for checking this (which we are fixing on another branch). Also, we don't want to depend on twisted for other things than leap.common.http.
2014-07-14include pemfile in the installed packagekali
2013-12-05workaround for missing file during pip installKali Kaneko
2013-10-30add freeze_debianver command to setup.pyKali Kaneko
2013-09-30add ca-bundle with ca-certKali Kaneko
2013-08-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'kali/feature/add_versioneer' into developTomás Touceda
2013-08-23Add versioneer to handle versioning here too.Kali Kaneko
2013-08-23Update requirementsKali Kaneko
* Use requirements.pip * Update reqs
2013-08-15Force protobuf version to >=2.4.1.drebs
* Also, generate file using 2.4.1.
2013-08-09Bump version toás Touceda
2013-07-26Bump version toás Touceda
2013-07-12Bump version toás Touceda
2013-05-30Merge remote-tracking branch ↵0.2.5release/v0.2.5Tomás Touceda
'drebs/feature/2683-move-keymanager-to-leap_client' into develop
2013-05-30Remove deps on soledad and python-gnupg.drebs
2013-05-30add data files: testing certificatesKali Kaneko
2013-05-16Add crypto submodule that handles AES-256-CTR encryption.drebs
2013-05-15Bump leap.common version for tagging0.2.4Tomás Touceda
2013-05-14Add dependency on soledad and install tests.drebs
2013-05-14Fix dependency link for protobuf.socketrpc dependency.drebs
2013-05-08version bumpKali Kaneko
2013-05-01return None if no key found, avoid KeyErrorKali Kaneko
2013-04-11Add the right name for pypi packageKali Kaneko
2013-04-11Add compiled protoKali Kaneko
bumped version
2013-04-11Add option to compile servicesKali Kaneko
(needed from 2.4.0 onwards, since it defaults to false)
2013-04-11Merge remote-tracking branch 'kali/bug/fix-imports' into developTomas Touceda
Conflicts: pkg/requirements.pip
2013-04-10add generic tarball to download link for protobuf.rpcKali Kaneko
2013-04-09add BaseConfig class and its dependenciesKali Kaneko
2013-04-09add dateutil to reqsKali Kaneko
2013-04-09add pyopenssl to dependenciesKali Kaneko
2013-04-01Add tests for events mechanism.drebs
2013-03-31Add events mechanism dependencies to file.drebs
2013-03-15pep8Kali Kaneko
2013-03-14initial commitKali Kaneko