explain ssl certs foo # CSS - make headers smaller - make code block font bigger # Images - for Bitmask, Pixelated - where's the Bitmask gif elijah did a while ago ? # Prepare quick bitmask demo - After we deployed the provider we should show some Bitmask/Thunderbird magic # Logistics for workshop - Have slides online available - One beamer for command line, one for browser ? # Update Docuementation - https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/guide/virtual-machines `leap vm start mynode` not needed anymore - Pixelated: https://github.com/pixelated/puppet-pixelated#2-adding-pixelated-to-your-existing-leap-configuration use service instead of custom class # Issues - keylookup for @leap.se keys doesn't work ## Pixelated - leap compile hosts/zone should output pixelated entries - Not signed/not encrypted mail - Long waiting for mail to myself -