LEAP Encryption Access Project

Provider installation workshop

LEAP Provider installation workshop

If you want to use Vagrant during this session
please start right away with downloading the
“LEAP/jessie” vagrantbox:

vagrant box add LEAP/jessie

LEAP Encryption Access Project

@ Anarchist Assembly, Hall 2, Komona Cluster
IRC: #leap @ irc.freenode.net

What to expect

Introduction to LEAP


Increase User experience

Protect the provider


What we have

Current Services: VPN

Current Services: email

Bitmask client

Bitmask client


Bitmask client


Bitmask client


Bitmask client


--- ~ » curl -s ipinfo.io
  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "No Hostname",
  "city": "Seattle",
  "region": "Washington",
  "country": "US",
  "loc": "47.6062,-122.3321",
  "org": "AS16652 Riseup Networks",
  "postal": "98194"

Bitmask for Android


Bitmask client

Encrypted Mail

Bitmask Mail

Bitmask Mail

Bitmask Mail


Key management

Keys, Keys, Keys

--- » gpg --search-keys snowden
gpg: data source: https://ntzwrk.org:443
(1)	Snowden
	  4096 bit RSA key 0xE941A4612E67D76A, created: 2017-03-24
(2)	This Is Snowden
	  4096 bit RSA key 0xBB44DF1AFC479844, created: 2017-03-20
(3)	Edward Snowden <trump2020buildawall@gmail.com>
	  4096 bit RSA key 0xA15DD46C59051BDB, created: 2017-03-12, expires: 2022-03-11
(4)	Edward Snowden <trump2020buildawall@gmail.com>
	  4096 bit RSA key 0xE64ECB1548116AEB, created: 2017-03-10, expires: 2022-03-09
(5)	Snowden <sfogert@gmail.com>
	  3072 bit RSA key 0xE643E968226937A1, created: 2017-03-10
(6)	Edward Snowden <joshing@protonmail.com>
	  4096 bit RSA key 0x2C3C1EFA83946932, created: 2017-01-20, expires: 2021-01-20
(7)	Edward Snowden (Very secret) <ed_snowden2016@outlook.com>
	  2048 bit RSA key 0xDC245D84A0F97A17, created: 2016-12-14
(8)	Edward Snowden
	  4096 bit RSA key 0xFAD43291D0951541, created: 2016-12-10
(9)	Edward Joseph Snowden <snowden@edwardsnowden>
	  4096 bit RSA key 0x34BD314D37015D55, created: 2016-11-02, expires: 2020-11-02
(10)	snowden <snowdenet@163.com>
	  3072 bit RSA key 0xFD764233079ACE40, created: 2016-10-11
(11)	Edvard Snowden <lordkott1987@gmail.com>
	  2048 bit RSA key 0xF5BE6495E2210CE1, created: 2016-10-07
Keys 1-11 of 146 for "snowden".  Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit >

LEAP Platform

LEAP Platform Example: Setup single node email provider

sudo gem install leap_cli
leap new example --domain workshop.bitmask.net
cd example
leap add-user --self
leap cert ca
leap cert csr
leap node add workshop \
  services:couchdb,webapp,soledad,mx ip_address:
leap init node
leap deploy

LEAP Platform: Install and configure the server(s)

Server-side techstack

Client-side techstack


LEAP Webapp

LEAP Webapp Main Page

LEAP Webapp Account Management

LEAP Encryption Access Project

Platform Workshop

System requirements


Install prerequisites


Debian / Ubuntu

$ apt install rubygems

Mac OS

$ brew install ruby

Install the LEAP command-line utility

$ sudo gem install leap_cli

$ leap --version
leap 1.9.2, ruby 2.3.3

Create provider config

$ leap new --domain workshop.bitmask.net ./workshop
  Create directory /home/dev/workshop ? y
  = created /home/dev/workshop/

  The name of the provider: |Example| Workshop demo
  File path of the leap_platform directory: |/home/dev/leap_platform| 
  Default email address contacts: |root@workshop.bitmask.net| 

  The platform directory "/home/varac/dev/projects/leap/leap_platform" does not exist.
  Do you want me to create it by cloning from the
  git repository https://leap.se/git/leap_platform.git? y

leap_platform master branch build status

Leap Platform Build Status: Build Status

see https://0xacab.org/leap/platform/

Optional: Use latest release tag for stable version

If the build status of current leap_platform:master failed we need to checkout the last stable version of the leap_platform:

git clone -b version/0.10.0 https://leap.se/git/leap_platform \

Add your ssh key

$ leap user add --self

SSL certificates

Create a SSL certificate authority and a certificate signining request:

$ leap cert ca
$ leap cert csr

Single node VPN provider

Tutorial: https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/single-node-vpn

$ export OPTS=(services:webapp,couchdb,openvpn openvpn.gateway_address:

Single node email provider

Tutorial: https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/single-node-email

$ export OPTS=(services:webapp,couchdb,soledad,mx)

Generate diffie-hellman parameters for openvpn

$ leap cert dh

Add an existing remote server

$ leap node add blackbox ip_address: $OPTS

Option B: Create a new server in the cloud

$ leap vm add blackbox services:webapp,couchdb,soledad,mx
$ leap vm status

Time to deploy !

$ leap list

$ leap node init blackbox

$ leap deploy blackbox 


leap compile zone

Use the listed entries in our DNS provider.

These are for workshop.bitmask.net (in this workshop’s case):

@                     IN A
blackbox              IN A
api                   IN A
nicknym               IN A
@                     IN MX 10  blackbox
@                     IN TXT    "v=spf1 MX ip4: -all"
234072283e._domainkey IN TXT    "v=DKIM1;h=sha256;k=rsa;s=email;p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdCDTAuRJJa0yx8T3Z7d" "f2NLE0oOvKysLqHqtvJk92Zf8RHYO6/RzpvJ5s51fPfOfyLnAjEzGs3gBL5GkWNV" "hLyMB9TzYnuQ9lmnz3ep3Hyh8U9yPVmNu1YZDrMYGaeoHE6FZXkmvrtBUOv3XAZw" "4BNQwdcHCa/Z9iWgMDtBx0h+56DRDTOrJvr7M/7qGxknBo0FnnQ/Qhw9GQjkTg0h" "UmFZjuvx3BmgN/9lCMkrjxC7qfADvGYMIYer3iPt0wI7cqAvgWN0a+7iqm2PU+aB" "wLPWOSmWsl3e6wzHW4jFS7EchilGXjHiGQ5WC9anRC6WWr3SomL/cxKZNCjTCfBy" "dwIDAQAB"


Option A: Fake DNS for new provider

We are using a domain here without proper DNS, so we need to override our DNS resolution.

You need to edit your hosts file with admin privileges and add the output of above command to it.

see Quick start tutorial/Setup DNS for details.

Download Bitmask client

Questions ?

Let’s encrypt certificates

For proper, free-of-cost TLS certificates issued
by https://letsencrypt.org/:

$ leap cert register
$ leap cert renew workshop.bitmask.net
$ leap deploy --tags x509 --fast

Check https://workshop.bitmask.net in browser afterwards.

Test if things work correctly

$ leap test

Use Bitmask

Try more





Bitmask Schema