# LEAP Provider installation workshop If you want to use Vagrant during this session please start right away with downloading the "LEAP/jessie" vagrantbox: ``` vagrant box add LEAP/jessie ``` --- # LEAP Encryption Access Project ## Provider installation workshop by Varac (LEAP, Pixelated) ```notes Introduction: - working for LEAP since its start in 2012 - The last 3 years for Pixelated, with build on LEAP ``` --- # What to expect - Short introduction to LEAP - Install LEAP provider that offers encrypted email (for real or for locally using vagrant) - Test encrypted email using Bitmask client with new provider (sorry, Linux only) ```note - Rush through the first part, then show more details during deploy phase (~20 mins) - Focus on encrypted mail, VPN: Requires a second IP ``` --- # Prerequisites - Have a working (!) Vagrant setup or a remote sever/VM installed with fresh Debian stable OS - A public/private ssh keypair to login your host ```notes - We cannot help you / debug your vagrant issues here - Otherwise, please pair with your neighbour - When you are stuck, pls tell us - if it can be fixed easily, great. If not, pls just continue to watch the demo, we can help you out later. - Who wants to use vagrant/a remote sever ? ``` --- # Goals - "Provider in a box" - Make encryption as easy to use as possible - Strict client encryption --- # Increase User experience --- # Protect the provider https://mayfirst.org/en/2012/fbi-returns-server/ --- # What we have - Bitmask client: A client that works smoothly with any LEAP provider. - LEAP Platform: A toolkit to make it easy for you to run a federated service provider. - New protocols: So that users don't need to trust the provider. --- # Current Services: VPN - Route all your internet traffic through an encrypted channel. - Prevent eavesdropping (thiefs in the public network, police, ...). - Circunvent censorship, surveillancec and geoblocking - Prevent leaks (DNS, IPv6, ...). --- # Current Services: email - Transparent end-to-end encryption using OpenPGP. - Automatic key discovery and validation. - Service provider has no access to user data. - Strong protection for metadata, whenever possible. - Cloud synchronized for high availability on multiple devices. --- # Bitmask client - Currently available for Android (VPN) and Linux (VPN + Email) - Windows and MacOS coming soon (with your help even faster!) - Formerly Python 2, Twisted and QT - Rewritten with Python 2, Twisted and Javascript (React) *** # Bitmask client ## VPN --- # Bitmask client ## VPN --- # Bitmask client ## VPN --- # Bitmask client ## VPN ``` --- ~ » curl -s ipinfo.io { "ip": "", "hostname": "No Hostname", "city": "Seattle", "region": "Washington", "country": "US", "loc": "47.6062,-122.3321", "org": "AS16652 Riseup Networks", "postal": "98194" } ``` --- # Bitmask for Android ## VPN *** *** # Bitmask client ## Encrypted Mail --- # Bitmask Mail ```notes Integrated Mailclient using the Pixelated Useragent ``` --- # Bitmask Mail --- # Bitmask Mail ## Composing *** *** # Key management - Automated keylookup and validation. --- # Keys, Keys, Keys ``` --- » gpg --search-keys snowden gpg: data source: https://ntzwrk.org:443 (1) Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0xE941A4612E67D76A, created: 2017-03-24 (2) This Is Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0xBB44DF1AFC479844, created: 2017-03-20 (3) Edward Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0xA15DD46C59051BDB, created: 2017-03-12, expires: 2022-03-11 (4) Edward Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0xE64ECB1548116AEB, created: 2017-03-10, expires: 2022-03-09 (5) Snowden 3072 bit RSA key 0xE643E968226937A1, created: 2017-03-10 (6) Edward Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0x2C3C1EFA83946932, created: 2017-01-20, expires: 2021-01-20 (7) Edward Snowden (Very secret) 2048 bit RSA key 0xDC245D84A0F97A17, created: 2016-12-14 (8) Edward Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0xFAD43291D0951541, created: 2016-12-10 (9) Edward Joseph Snowden 4096 bit RSA key 0x34BD314D37015D55, created: 2016-11-02, expires: 2020-11-02 (10) snowden 3072 bit RSA key 0xFD764233079ACE40, created: 2016-10-11 (11) Edvard Snowden 2048 bit RSA key 0xF5BE6495E2210CE1, created: 2016-10-07 Keys 1-11 of 146 for "snowden". Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > ``` *** # LEAP Platform - Configuration Management using puppet - Installs and configures the servers - leap_cli is the tool to deploy to the servers --- # LEAP Platform Example: Setup single node email provider ``` sudo gem install leap_cli leap new example --domain workshop.bitmask.net cd example leap add-user --self leap cert ca leap cert csr leap node add workshop \ services:couchdb,webapp,soledad,mx ip_address: leap init node leap deploy ``` --- # LEAP Platform: Install and configure the server(s) - Email: Postfix, spamassassin, clamav - Database: couchdb, stunnel - Webserver: apache - Encrypting remailer: leap-mx - Synchronisation: soledad - Account management, issue tracking: leap-webapp - Firewall: shorewall - Monitoring: nagios, check_mk - ... --- # Server-side techstack - PLatform: Puppet - leap_cli: ruby - leap_web: Ruby on Rails - leap_mx, soledad: Python 2/Twisted --- # Client-side techstack - Bitmask client: Python 2, Twisted, React JS - Bitmask Mail (a.k.a. Pixelated Useragent): Python 2, Twisted, FlightJS --- # Soledad - Acronym for "Synchronization Of Locally Encrypted Data Among Devices" - Searchable client-encrypted synchronized database --- # LEAP Webapp - API for user registration and authentication - User Management - Integrated Issue Tracker - Payment processing - Customisable --- # LEAP Webapp Main Page --- # LEAP Webapp Account Management --- # LEAP Encryption Access Project ## Platform Workshop --- # Where to deploy to Vagrant | Remote Server :-------------: | :-------------: Locally on your laptop, for testing | Out there, for testing or real Requires Vagrant >= 1.5 and Virtualbox or other hypervisor | Physical or paravirtualized Server (KVM, Xen, OpenStack, Amazon, but not VirtualBox or OpenVZ) --- # Tutorials These slides: https://leap.se/slides/33c3/ # Vagrant - https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/vagrant # Single node email provider - https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/quick-start - https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/single-node-email --- # Install prerequisites - Install leap-cli and manage your provider config on your workstation/laptop, NOT on the server - Managing your server(s) happens from you laptop, you should only seldomly login to your servers for debugging. ```notes - The Provider config contains secret key material which should not reside on the server for security reasons. - All commands shown here are run from the laptop. ``` --- # Debian & Ubuntu ``` $ sudo apt install git ruby ruby-dev rsync \ openssh-client openssl rake make bzip2 ``` # Mac OS ``` $ brew install ruby-install $ ruby-install ruby ``` ```notes - `workstation$` indicates this command should be run on your laptop ``` --- # Install the LEAP command-line utility ``` $ sudo gem install leap_cli $ leap --version leap 1.9, ruby 2.3.3 ... ``` --- # Prepare provider config Use `workshop.bitmask.net` for testing, or pick your own domain. ``` $ mkdir -p ~/leap/workshop.bitmask.net $ cd ~/leap/workshop.bitmask.net ``` *** # leap_platform master branch build status Leap Platform Build Status: [![Build Status](https://0xacab.org/leap/platform/badges/master/build.svg)](https://0xacab.org/leap/platform/commits/master) see https://0xacab.org/leap/platform/ --- # Optional: Use latest release tag for stable version If the build status of current leap_platform:master failed we need to checkout the last stable version of the leap_platform: ``` git clone -b version/0.9.x https://leap.se/git/leap_platform \ ../leap_platform ``` ```notes ``` *** # Create provider config ``` $ leap new --domain workshop.bitmask.net . The name of the provider: |Example| Workshop demo File path of the leap_platform directory: |/home/varac/dev/projects/leap/leap_platform| Default email address contacts: |root@workshop.bitmask.net| The platform directory "/home/varac/dev/projects/leap/leap_platform" does not exist. Do you want me to create it by cloning from the git repository https://leap.se/git/leap_platform.git? y ... ``` ```notes Just accept the default values ``` --- # Add your ssh key ``` $ leap add-user $user --self ``` --- # SSL certificates Create SSL certificate authority, to self-sign host certificates: ``` $ leap cert ca $ leap cert csr ``` ```notes Later on we can deploy proper LE certs ``` --- # Option A: Add your local vagrant node ``` $ leap node add --local blackbox services:webapp,couchdb,soledad,mx $ leap list $ leap local start blackbox $ leap local status ``` --- # Option B: Add an existing remote server ``` $ leap node add blackbox ip_address: \ services:webapp,couchdb,soledad,mx ``` ```notes Use workshop IP: ``` --- # Option C: Create a new server in the cloud - Currently works only with AWS ec2 - `cloud.json` needed for AWS config and credentials - https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/guide/virtual-machines for details ``` $ leap vm add blackbox services:webapp,couchdb,soledad,mx $ leap vm status ``` ```notes - Only reocmmended for testing `leap vm key-register` is needed if you haven't done it already cp ~/leap/git/bitmask/cloud.json . grep -v aws_ cloud.json leap vm status | ts - Takes 4 mins to finish - questions ? - Otherwise show next slide while bootstrapping VM, and help out with vagrant ``` --- # Time to deploy ! ``` $ leap list $ leap node init blackbox $ leap deploy blackbox ``` ```notes unbuffer leap node init blackbox | ts unbuffer leap deploy blackbox | ts - Takes ~10 min to finish on AWS, 15 min on Greenhost - We'll setup DNS meanwhile ``` *** # DNS ## Option A: Fake DNS for Vagrant We are using a domain here without proper DNS, so we need to override our DNS resolution. - Open another terminal and: ``` cd ~/leap/workshop.bitmask.net leap compile hosts ``` You need to edit your `hosts` file with admin privileges and add the output of above command to it. * Linux: `sudo editor /etc/hosts` * MacOS: `sudo nano /etc/hosts` see [Quick start tutorial/Setup DNS](https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/quick-start#setup-dns) for details. --- # DNS ## Option B: Setup DNS for real In case of a real provider with proper domain and DNS, we need to setup DNS: ``` leap compile zone ``` and use the listed entries in our DNS provider. These are for workshop.bitmask.net (in this workshop's case): ``` @ IN A blackbox IN A api IN A nicknym IN A @ IN MX 10 blackbox @ IN TXT "v=spf1 MX ip4: -all" 234072283e._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1;h=sha256;k=rsa;s=email;p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApdCDTAuRJJa0yx8T3Z7d" "f2NLE0oOvKysLqHqtvJk92Zf8RHYO6/RzpvJ5s51fPfOfyLnAjEzGs3gBL5GkWNV" "hLyMB9TzYnuQ9lmnz3ep3Hyh8U9yPVmNu1YZDrMYGaeoHE6FZXkmvrtBUOv3XAZw" "4BNQwdcHCa/Z9iWgMDtBx0h+56DRDTOrJvr7M/7qGxknBo0FnnQ/Qhw9GQjkTg0h" "UmFZjuvx3BmgN/9lCMkrjxC7qfADvGYMIYer3iPt0wI7cqAvgWN0a+7iqm2PU+aB" "wLPWOSmWsl3e6wzHW4jFS7EchilGXjHiGQ5WC9anRC6WWr3SomL/cxKZNCjTCfBy" "dwIDAQAB" ``` *** # Start downloading Bitmask - Download latest Bitmask build from https://bitmask.net/en/install/linux#latest-builds # Questions ? ```notes Download takes a bit (75mb), so we start it before it's time for questions ? ``` --- # Test if things work correctly ``` $ leap test ``` --- # Use Bitmask - Extract downloaded Bitmask archive, and run dist/bitmask-0.9.5/bitmask - Add workshop.bitmask.net as a new provider - Register a new user - Close Bitmask and login again, then click "Open Mail" ```notes Known Issues: - [Bitmask Mail: Incoming mails don't show up on first run](https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask-dev/issues/8878) - [Nicknym sometimes refused to work](https://0xacab.org/leap/platform/issues/8787) - [Bitmask doesn't terminate properly] Show: - Mail to myself - Mail to/from other workshop participants - Mail from outside `swaks -t varac@workshop.bitmask.net` ... ``` *** # Pixelated - Encrypted Webmail on top of LEAP - No installation hassle - Private key will be unlocked on server - Looking for maintainers/contributors --- # Try Pixelated https://try.pixelated-project.org/ *** # Try more - LEAP Demo provider (mail): https://mail.bitmask.net - LEAP Demo provider (VPN): https://demo.bitmask.net - Pixelated: https://try.pixelated-project.org/ (no outbound mail, pre-configured accounts, gone soon...) --- # Contribute - Please consider to contribute - any help with QA or other is appreciated ! :heart: - UX - Python / Twisted - JS / React - MacOS - Windows - Puppet https://leap.se/en/docs/get-involved https://leap.se/en/docs/get-involved/project-ideas https://pixelated-project.org/faq/#sounds-good-how-can-i-contribute --- # Thanks! - LEAP Encryption Access Project: [https://leap.se](https://leap.se) - Bitmask Application: [https://bitmask.net](https://bitmask.net) - Github: [https://github.com/leapcode](https://github.com/leapcode) - Twitter: [https://twitter.com/leapcode](https://twitter.com/leapcode) - IRC: #leap@freenode - https://pixelated-project.org/ *** # Etc --- # Bitmask Schema