## LEAP Platform Workshop # Generate slides reveal-ck generate # Known Issues / Things to be aware of during presentation - keylookup for @leap.se keys doesn't work # Present rm -rf ~/leap/workshop.bitmask.net - Recreate workshop.bitmask.net server fro portal.eclips.is - Make sure DNS entries work - # Todo HDMI beamer ?? - Upload final slides and share URL https://leap.se/slides/Platform-Workshop - Create server with 2. IP - Change linux-kernel to "Linux LTS latest" - Create/update DNS entries for workshop.bitmask.net May 04 14:26:15 - [wildebeest] Error: Could not set 'file' on ensure: No such file or directory @ dir_s_rmdir - /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/autorestart.conf20170504-20145-1i4pf7u.lock at 21:/srv/leap/puppet/modules/systemd/manifests/unit_file.pp - net-ssh agent error ????? - Make new images for Bitmask-dev - copy paste foo ## Nice to have - update LEAP/jessie so `leap node init` doesnt take so long - where's the Bitmask gif elijah did a while ago ? - Include images of gpg keys for e.snowden and other fun stuff - figure out vertical slides with reveal-ck - Use custom header/footer for all slides - Add Avatar - explain ssl certs foo better ## Update Docuementation - https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/guide/virtual-machines `leap vm start mynode` not needed anymore