#HSLIDE?image=https://rawgit.com/leapcode/leap_presentations/master/rgsoc2016_leap_overview/images/kid-jumping.png # LEAP Encryption Access Project ## LEAP Platform Overview #HSLIDE ## LEAP Platform - A toolkit to make it easy for you to run a federated service provider. #HSLIDE # LEAP Platform - Configuration Management using puppet - Installs and configures the servers - leap_cli is the tool to deploy to the servers - Provider confiduration is stored on admin laptop #HSLIDE # LEAP Platform Example: Setup single node email provider ``` sudo gem install leap_cli leap new example --domain example.org cd example leap add-user --self leap cert ca leap cert csr leap node add raspberry \ services:couchdb,webapp,soledad,mx ip_address: leap init node leap deploy ``` #HSLIDE # LEAP Platform: Install and configure the server(s) - Email: Postfix, spamassassin, clamav - Database: couchdb, stunnel - Webserver: apache - Encrypting remailer: leap-mx - Synchronisation: soledad - Account management, issue tracking: leap-webapp - Firewall: shorewall - Monitoring: nagios, check_mk - ... # HSLIDE ## Server-side techstack - PLatform: Puppet - leap_cli: ruby - leap_web: Ruby on Rails - leap_mx, soledad: Python Twisted #HSLIDE ## Soledad - Acronym for "Synchronization Of Locally Encrypted Data Among Devices" - Searchable client-encrypted synchronized database #HSLIDE ## Bonafide - Secure user registration - Authentication - Password change - etc. #HSLIDE ## Current Services: VPN - Route all your internet trafic through an encrypted channel. - Prevent eavesdropping (thiefs in the public network, police, ...). - Circunvent internet censorship. - Prevent leaks (DNS, IPv6, ...). #HSLIDE ## Current Services: email - End-to-end encryption using OpenPGP. - Automatic key discovery and validation. - Service provider has no access to user data. - Strong protection for metadata, whenever possible. - Cloud synchronized for high availability on multiple devices. #HSLIDE ## LEAP Webapp - API for user authentication - Help Tickets - User Management - Payment processing - Customisable #HSLIDE ## LEAP Webapp Main Page ![Image-Absolute](https://rawgit.com/leapcode/leap_presentations/master/rgsoc2016_leap_overview/images/leap-webapp1.png) #HSLIDE ## LEAP Webapp Account Management ![Image-Absolute](https://rawgit.com/leapcode/leap_presentations/master/rgsoc2016_leap_overview/images/leap-webapp2.png) #HSLIDE ## LEAP Webapp Ticket System ![Image-Absolute](https://rawgit.com/leapcode/leap_presentations/master/rgsoc2016_leap_overview/images/leap-webapp-tickets.png)