LEAP Encryption Access Project

Encryption should be
simple to provide and easy to use

  • Tools for secure network communications
  • Decentralization of service providers

Crypto is Hard

But wait, you said...

Encryption should be
simple to provide and easy to use


Solve the Hard Problems

The “Big 7”

  1. Authenticity problem
  2. Meta-data problem
  3. Asynchronous problem
  4. Group problem
  5. Resource problem
  6. Availability problem
  7. Update problem

Authenticity problem

Public key validation is very difficult for users to manage, but without it you cannot have confidentiality
  • Nicknym - auto discovery and validation of public keys, transparently!
  • Meta-data problem

    Existing protocols are vulnerable to meta-data analysis, even though meta-data is often much more sensitive than content
    • Downgrade-proof DNSSEC/DANE

    With one or more opportunistic schemes:

    • Auto alias pairs
    • Onion routing headers
    • Third party dropbox
    • Mixmaster with signatures

    Asynchronous problem

    For encrypted communication, you must currently choose between forward secrecy or the ability to communicate asynchronously
    • OpenPGP vs. OTR
    • Stop-gap: Layer forward secret transport atop OpenPGP
    • Long term: Collaborate with others to create new encryption protocol standards

    Group problem

    In practice, people work in groups, but public key cryptography doesn’t
    • First we...ummm
    • Interesting work in secure file backup/sync/sharing (e.g. Wuala and SpiderOak)
    • Proxy re-encryption
    • Ring signatures

    Resource problem

    There are no open protocols to allow users to securely share a resource
    • Yup, still got nothin' :/
    • "Read-write-web", meet ["Group problem" solution here]
    • Again, possibilities from file sync (Lazy Revocation and Key Regression)

    Availability problem

    People want to smoothly switch devices, and restore their data if they lose a device, but this very difficult to do securely
  • Soledad - Synchronization of Locally Encrypted Documents Among Devices
    phew! we weren't out of ideas!
  • Update problem

    Almost universally, software updates are done in ways that invite attacks and device compromises
  • Thandy (thanks, Tor!)
  • So, what have you got?


    Encrypted Internet Proxy aka VPN


    Chat (in progress)

    Services in Planning

    Client-Encrypted Filehosting


    Collaborative Text Editor

    For Users

  • Bitmask-Client for Mac OS, Linux, Android (Windows coming)
  • Bitmask-Client

    For Providers

    • Automate Installation and Configuration of the services
    • Secure Crypto presets (TLS parameters, etc)


    Puppet recipes for configuring the server

    # smtp TLS                                                                    
    postfix::config {                                                             
      'smtp_use_tls':        value  => 'yes';                                     
      'smtp_tls_CApath':     value  => '/etc/ssl/certs/';                         
      'smtp_tls_CAfile':     value  => $ca_path;                                  
      'smtp_tls_cert_file':  value  => $cert_path;                                
      'smtp_tls_key_file':   value  => $key_path;                                 
      'smtp_tls_ask_ccert':  value  => 'yes';                                     
      'smtp_tls_loglevel':   value  => '1';                                       
        value => 'aNULL, MD5, DES';                                               
      # upstream default is md5 (since 2.5 and older used it), we force sha1      
        value => 'sha1';                                                          
        value => 'btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_cache';                           
        value  => 'may';                                                          
      # see issue #4011                                                           
        value => '!SSLv2, !SSLv3';                                                

    Provider Config

    Server Layout, IPs, contact details, etc

    $ cat provider.json 
    // General service provider configuration.
      "domain": "example.org",
      "name": {
        "en": "example"
      "description": {
        "en": "You really should change this text"
      "contacts": {
        "default": "admin@example.org"
      "languages": ["en"],
      "default_language": "en",
      "enrollment_policy": "open"
    $ cat nodes/web1.json 
      "ip_address": "",
      "services": "webapp",
      "tags": "production"


    Command Line Tools for Admins

    $ leap --yes deploy
     Deploying to these nodes: web1, vpn1, couch1
     = updated hiera/couch1.yaml
     = updated hiera/web1.yaml
     = checking node 
       - [web1] ok
       - [couch1] ok
       - [vpn1] ok
     = synching configuration files
       - hiera/web1.yaml -> web1:/etc/leap/hiera.yaml
       - hiera/vpn1.yaml -> vpn1:/etc/leap/hiera.yaml
       - hiera/couch1.yaml -> couch1:/etc/leap/hiera.yaml
       - files/branding/tail.scss, files/branding/head.scss -> web1:/etc/leap
     = synching puppet manifests
       - /home/demo/leap/demo/leap_platform/[bin,puppet] -> web1:/srv/leap
       - /home/demo/leap/demo/leap_platform/[bin,puppet] -> vpn1:/srv/leap
       - /home/demo/leap/demo/leap_platform/[bin,puppet] -> couch1:/srv/leap

    Setting up a new Provider

    Initializing and deploying nodes

    Provider Online

    Bitmask.net - Reference Provider of LEAP

    soon to be open for beta testers

    Interested Providers


    Website: https://leap.se

    Github Mirror: https://github.com/leapcode

    Made with reveal.js