
. /vagrant/vagrant/vagrant.config

SUDO="sudo -u ${USER}"
LEAP="$SUDO /usr/local/bin/leap"
GIT="$SUDO git"

echo '==============================================='
echo 'configuring leap'
echo '==============================================='

# purge $PROVIDERDIR so this script can be run multiple times


$LEAP $OPTS new --contacts "$contacts" --domain "$provider_domain" --name "$provider_name" --platform=/vagrant .
echo -e '\n@log = "./deploy.log"' >> Leapfile

if [ ! -e /home/${USER}/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then
  $SUDO ssh-keygen -f /home/${USER}/.ssh/id_rsa -P ''
  [ -d /root/.ssh ] || mkdir /root/.ssh
  cat /home/${USER}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

$SUDO mkdir -p ${PROVIDERDIR}/files/nodes/${NODE}
sh -c "cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub | cut -d' ' -f1,2 >> $PROVIDERDIR/files/nodes/$NODE/${NODE}_ssh.pub"
chown ${USER}:${USER} ${PROVIDERDIR}/files/nodes/${NODE}/${NODE}_ssh.pub

$LEAP $OPTS add-user --self
$LEAP $OPTS cert ca
$LEAP $OPTS cert csr
$LEAP $OPTS node add $NODE ip_address:"$(facter ipaddress)" couch.mode:plain  services:"$services" tags:production
echo '{ "webapp": { "admins": ["testadmin"] } }' > services/webapp.json

$LEAP $OPTS compile

$GIT init
$GIT add .
$GIT commit -m'configured provider'

$LEAP $OPTS node init $NODE
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
  echo 'node init failed'
  exit 1

# couchrest gem does currently not install on jessie
# https://leap.se/code/issues/7754
# workaround is to install rake as gem
gem install rake

$LEAP $OPTS -v 2 deploy

$GIT add .
$GIT commit -m'initialized and deployed provider'

# Vagrant: leap_mx fails to start on jessie
# https://leap.se/code/issues/7755
# Workaround: we stop and start leap-mx after deploy and
# before testing

service leap-mx stop
service leap-mx start

echo '==============================================='
echo 'testing the platform'
echo '==============================================='

$LEAP $OPTS -v 2 test --continue

echo '==============================================='
echo 'setting node to demo-mode'
echo '==============================================='
postconf -e default_transport='error: in demo mode'

# add users: testadmin and testuser with passwords "hallo123"
curl -s -k https://localhost/1/users.json -d "user%5Blogin%5D=testuser&user%5Bpassword_salt%5D=7d4880237a038e0e&user%5Bpassword_verifier%5D=b98dc393afcd16e5a40fb57ce9cddfa6a978b84be326196627c111d426cada898cdaf3a6427e98b27daf4b0ed61d278bc856515aeceb2312e50c8f816659fcaa4460d839a1e2d7ffb867d32ac869962061368141c7571a53443d58dc84ca1fca34776894414c1090a93e296db6cef12c2cc3f7a991b05d49728ed358fd868286"
curl -s -k https://localhost/1/users.json -d "user%5Blogin%5D=testadmin&user%5Bpassword_salt%5D=ece1c457014d8282&user%5Bpassword_verifier%5D=9654d93ab409edf4ff1543d07e08f321107c3fd00de05c646c637866a94f28b3eb263ea9129dacebb7291b3374cc6f0bf88eb3d231eb3a76eed330a0e8fd2a5c477ed2693694efc1cc23ae83c2ae351a21139701983dd595b6c3225a1bebd2a4e6122f83df87606f1a41152d9890e5a11ac3749b3bfcf4407fc83ef60b4ced68"

echo -e '\n===========================================================================================================\n\n'
echo -e 'You are now ready to use your local LEAP provider.\n'
echo 'If you want to use the *Bitmask client* with your provider, please update your /etc/hosts with following dns overrides:'

$LEAP leap list --print ip_address,domain.full,dns.aliases | sed 's/^.*  //' | sed 's/, null//g' | tr -d '\]\[",'

echo 'Please see https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/vagrant#use-the-bitmask-client-to-do-an-initial-soledad-sync for more details how to use and test your LEAP provider.'
echo -e "\nIf you don't want to use the Bitmask client, please ignore the above instructions.\n"
echo -e 'The LEAP webapp is now available at https://localhost:4443\n'