raise SkipTest unless service?(:webapp) require 'json' class Webapp < LeapTest depends_on "Network" def setup end def test_01_Can_contact_couchdb? url = couchdb_url("", url_options) assert_get(url) do |body| assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message." end pass end def test_02_Can_contact_couchdb_via_haproxy? if property('haproxy.couch') url = couchdb_url_via_haproxy("", url_options) assert_get(url) do |body| assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message." end pass end end def test_03_Are_daemons_running? assert_running '/usr/sbin/apache2' assert_running '/usr/bin/nickserver' pass end # # this is technically a black-box test. so, move this when we have support # for black box tests. # def test_04_Can_access_webapp? assert_get('https://' + $node['webapp']['domain'] + '/') pass end def test_05_Can_create_and_authenticate_and_delete_user_via_API? assert_tmp_user pass end def test_06_Can_sync_Soledad? soledad_config = property('definition_files.soledad_service') if soledad_config && !soledad_config.empty? soledad_server = pick_soledad_server(soledad_config) assert_tmp_user do |user| assert user_db_exists?(user), "Could not find user db for test user #{user.username}" command = File.expand_path "../../helpers/soledad_sync.py", __FILE__ soledad_url = "https://#{soledad_server}/user-#{user.id}" assert_run "#{command} #{user.id} #{user.session_token} #{soledad_url}" pass end else skip 'No soledad service configuration' end end private def url_options { :username => property('couchdb_webapp_user.username'), :password => property('couchdb_webapp_user.password') } end # # pick a random soledad server. # I am not sure why, but using IP address directly does not work. # def pick_soledad_server(soledad_config_json_str) soledad_config = JSON.parse(soledad_config_json_str) host_name = soledad_config['hosts'].keys.shuffle.first hostname = soledad_config['hosts'][host_name]['hostname'] port = soledad_config['hosts'][host_name]['port'] return "#{hostname}:#{port}" end # # returns true if the per-user db created by tapicero exists. # we try three times, and give up after that. # def user_db_exists?(user) 3.times do sleep 0.1 get(couchdb_url("/user-#{user.id}/_design/docs")) do |body, response, error| if response.code.to_i == 200 return true end end sleep 0.2 end return false end # # I tried, but couldn't get this working: # # # # get an CSRF authenticity token # # # url = api_url("/") # csrf_token = nil # assert_get(url) do |body| # lines = body.split("\n").grep(/csrf-token/) # assert lines.any?, 'failed to find csrf-token' # csrf_token = lines.first.split('"')[1] # assert csrf_token, 'failed to find csrf-token' # end end