raise SkipTest unless $node["services"].include?("webapp") require 'json' class Webapp < LeapTest depends_on "Network" def setup end def test_01_Can_contact_couchdb? url = couchdb_url("", url_options) assert_get(url) do |body| assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message." end pass end def test_02_Can_contact_couchdb_via_haproxy? if property('haproxy.couch') url = couchdb_url_via_haproxy("", url_options) assert_get(url) do |body| assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message." end pass end end def test_03_Are_daemons_running? assert_running '/usr/sbin/apache2' assert_running '/usr/bin/nickserver' pass end # # this is technically a black-box test. so, move this when we have support # for black box tests. # def test_04_Can_access_webapp? assert_get('https://' + $node['webapp']['domain'] + '/') pass end def test_05_Can_create_user? @@user = nil user = SRP::User.new url = api_url("/1/users.json") assert_post(url, user.to_params) do |body| assert response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON' assert response['ok'], 'creating a user should be successful' end @@user = user pass end def test_06_Can_authenticate? @@user_id = nil @@session_token = nil if @@user.nil? skip "Depends on user creation" else url = api_url("/1/sessions.json") session = SRP::Session.new(@@user) params = {'login' => @@user.username, 'A' => session.aa} assert_post(url, params) do |response, body| cookie = response['Set-Cookie'].split(';').first assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON') assert(bb = response["B"]) session.bb = bb url = api_url("/1/sessions/login.json") params = {'client_auth' => session.m, 'A' => session.aa} options = {:headers => {'Cookie' => cookie}} assert_put(url, params, options) do |body| assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON') assert(response['M2'], 'response should include M2') assert(@@session_token = response['token'], 'response should include token') assert(@@user_id = response['id'], 'response should include user id') end end pass end end def test_07_Can_delete_user? if @@user_id.nil? || @@session_token.nil? skip "Depends on authentication" else url = api_url("/1/users/#{@@user_id}.json") options = {:headers => { "Authorization" => "Token token=\"#{@@session_token}\"" }} delete(url, {}, options) do |body, response, error| if response.code.to_i != 200 skip "It appears the web api is too old to support deleting users" else assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON') assert(response["success"], 'delete should be a success') pass end end end end private def url_options { :username => property('couchdb_webapp_user.username'), :password => property('couchdb_webapp_user.password') } end def api_url(path) "https://%{domain}:%{port}#{path}" % { :domain => property('api.domain'), :port => property('api.port') } end # # I tried, but couldn't get this working: # # # # get an CSRF authenticity token # # # url = api_url("/") # csrf_token = nil # assert_get(url) do |body| # lines = body.split("\n").grep(/csrf-token/) # assert lines.any?, 'failed to find csrf-token' # csrf_token = lines.first.split('"')[1] # assert csrf_token, 'failed to find csrf-token' # end end