# only run in the dummy case where there is no hiera.yaml file. raise SkipTest unless $node["dummy"] class Robot def can_shoot_lasers? "OHAI!" end def can_fly? "YES!" end end class TestDummy < LeapTest def setup @robot = Robot.new end def test_lasers assert_equal "OHAI!", @robot.can_shoot_lasers? pass end def test_fly refute_match /^no/i, @robot.can_fly? pass end def test_fail fail "fail" pass end def test_01_will_be_skipped skip "test this later" pass end def test_socket_failure assert_tcp_socket('localhost', 900000) pass end def test_warn block_test do warn "not everything", "is a success or failure" end end # used to test extracting the proper caller even when in a block def block_test yield end def test_socket_success fork { Socket.tcp_server_loop('localhost', 12345) do |sock, client_addrinfo| begin sock.write('hi') ensure sock.close exit end end } sleep 0.2 assert_tcp_socket('localhost', 12345) pass end end