raise SkipTest unless $node["services"].include?("couchdb") require 'json' class CouchDB < LeapTest depends_on "Network" def setup end def test_00_Are_daemons_running? assert_running 'tapicero' if multimaster? assert_running 'bin/beam' assert_running 'bin/epmd' end pass end # # check to make sure we can get welcome response from local couchdb # def test_01_Is_CouchDB_running? assert_get(couchdb_url) do |body| assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Could not get welcome message from #{couchdb_url}. Probably couchdb is not running." end pass end # # compare the configured nodes to the nodes that are actually listed in bigcouch # def test_02_Is_cluster_membership_ok? return unless multimaster? url = couchdb_backend_url("/nodes/_all_docs") neighbors = assert_property('couch.bigcouch.neighbors') neighbors << assert_property('domain.full') neighbors.sort! assert_get(url) do |body| response = JSON.parse(body) nodes_in_db = response['rows'].collect{|row| row['id'].sub(/^bigcouch@/, '')}.sort assert_equal neighbors, nodes_in_db, "The couchdb replication node list is wrong (/nodes/_all_docs)" end pass end # # all configured nodes are in 'cluster_nodes' # all nodes online and communicating are in 'all_nodes' # # this seems backward to me, so it might be the other way around. # def test_03_Are_configured_nodes_online? return unless multimaster? url = couchdb_url("/_membership", :username => 'admin') assert_get(url) do |body| response = JSON.parse(body) nodes_configured_but_not_available = response['cluster_nodes'] - response['all_nodes'] nodes_available_but_not_configured = response['all_nodes'] - response['cluster_nodes'] if nodes_configured_but_not_available.any? warn "These nodes are configured but not available:", nodes_configured_but_not_available end if nodes_available_but_not_configured.any? warn "These nodes are available but not configured:", nodes_available_but_not_configured end if response['cluster_nodes'] == response['all_nodes'] pass end end end def test_04_Do_ACL_users_exist? acl_users = ['_design/_auth', 'leap_mx', 'nickserver', 'soledad', 'tapicero', 'webapp', 'replication'] url = couchdb_backend_url("/_users/_all_docs", :username => 'admin') assert_get(url) do |body| response = JSON.parse(body) assert_equal acl_users.count, response['total_rows'] actual_users = response['rows'].map{|row| row['id'].sub(/^org.couchdb.user:/, '') } assert_equal acl_users.sort, actual_users.sort end pass end def test_05_Do_required_databases_exist? dbs_that_should_exist = ["customers","identities","keycache","sessions","shared","tickets","tokens","users"] dbs_that_should_exist.each do |db_name| url = couchdb_url("/"+db_name, :username => 'admin') assert_get(url) do |body| assert response = JSON.parse(body) assert_equal db_name, response['db_name'] end end pass end # disable ACL enforcement, because it's a known issue with bigcouch # and will only confuse the user # see https://leap.se/code/issues/6030 for more details # ## for now, this just prints warnings, since we are failing these tests. ## #def test_06_Is_ACL_enforced? # ok = assert_auth_fail( # couchdb_url('/users/_all_docs', :username => 'leap_mx'), # {:limit => 1} # ) # ok = assert_auth_fail( # couchdb_url('/users/_all_docs', :username => 'leap_mx'), # {:limit => 1} # ) && ok # pass if ok #end def test_07_Can_records_be_created? token = Token.new url = couchdb_url("/tokens", :username => 'admin') assert_post(url, token, :format => :json) do |body| assert response = JSON.parse(body), "POST response should be JSON" assert response["ok"], "POST response should be OK" assert_delete(File.join(url, response["id"]), :rev => response["rev"]) do |body| assert response = JSON.parse(body), "DELETE response should be JSON" assert response["ok"], "DELETE response should be OK" end end pass end private def multimaster? mode == "multimaster" end def mode assert_property('couch.mode') end # TODO: admin port is hardcoded for now but should be configurable. def couchdb_backend_url(path="", options={}) options = {port: multimaster? && "5986"}.merge options couchdb_url(path, options) end require 'securerandom' require 'digest/sha2' class Token < Hash def initialize self['token'] = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32).gsub(/^_*/, '') self['_id'] = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest(self['token']) self['last_seen_at'] = Time.now end end end