require 'net/smtp' class LeapTest TEST_EMAIL_USER = "test_user_email" TEST_BAD_USER = "test_user_bad" MSG_BODY = %(Since it seems that any heart which beats for freedom has the right only to a lump of lead, I too claim my share. If you let me live, I shall never stop crying for revenge and I shall avenge my brothers. I have finished. If you are not cowards, kill me! --Louise Michel) def send_email(recipient, options={}) sender = options[:sender] || recipient helo_domain = property('domain.full_suffix') headers = { "Date" =>, "From" => sender, "To" => recipient, "Subject" => "Test Message", "X-LEAP-TEST" => "true" }.merge(options[:headers]||{}) message = [] headers.each do |key, value| message << "#{key}: #{value}" end message << "" message << MSG_BODY Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25, helo_domain) do |smtp| smtp.send_message message.join("\n"), recipient, sender end end def assert_send_email(recipient, options={}) begin send_email(recipient, options) rescue IOError, Net::OpenTimeout, Net::ReadTimeout, Net::SMTPError => e fail "Could not send mail to #{recipient} (#{e})" end end end