# # helper for the communication with the provider API for creating, authenticating, and deleting accounts. # class LeapTest def assert_tmp_user user = assert_create_user assert_authenticate_user(user) yield user if block_given? assert_delete_user(user) rescue StandardError, MiniTest::Assertion => exc begin assert_delete_user(user) rescue end raise exc end def api_url(path) api = property('api') "https://%{domain}:%{port}#{path}" % { :domain => api['domain'], :port => api['port'] } end # # attempts to create a user account via the API, # returning the user object if successful. # def assert_create_user user = SRP::User.new url = api_url("/1/users.json") params = user.to_params if property('webapp.invite_required') @invite_code = generate_invite_code params['user[invite_code]'] = @invite_code end assert_post(url, params) do |body| assert response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON' assert response['ok'], "Creating a user should be successful, got #{response.inspect} instead." end user.ok = true return user end def generate_invite_code `cd /srv/leap/webapp/ && sudo -u leap-webapp RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake generate_invites[1]`.gsub(/\n/, "") end # # attempts to authenticate user. if successful, # user object is updated with id and session token. # def assert_authenticate_user(user) url = api_url("/1/sessions.json") session = SRP::Session.new(user) params = {'login' => user.username, 'A' => session.aa} assert_post(url, params) do |response, body| cookie = response['Set-Cookie'].split(';').first assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON') assert(session.bb = response["B"], 'response should include "B"') url = api_url("/1/sessions/login.json") params = {'client_auth' => session.m, 'A' => session.aa} options = {:headers => {'Cookie' => cookie}} assert_put(url, params, options) do |body| assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'response should be JSON') assert(response['M2'], 'response should include M2') user.session_token = response['token'] user.id = response['id'] assert(user.session_token, 'response should include token') assert(user.id, 'response should include user id') end end end # # attempts to destroy a user account via the API. # def assert_delete_user(user) if user && user.ok && user.id && user.session_token && !user.deleted url = api_url("/1/users/#{user.id}.json") options = {:headers => { "Authorization" => "Token token=\"#{user.session_token}\"" }} params = { :identities => 'destroy' } user.deleted = true delete(url, params, options) do |body, response, error| assert error.nil?, "Error deleting user: #{error}" assert response.code.to_i == 200, "Unable to delete user: HTTP response from API should have code 200, was #{response.code} #{error} #{body}" assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'Delete response should be JSON') assert(response["success"], 'Deleting user should be a success') end domain = property('domain.full_suffix') identities_url = couchdb_url("/identities/_design/Identity/_view/by_address?key=%22#{user.username}@#{domain}%22") get(identities_url) do |body, response, error| assert error.nil?, "Error checking identities db: #{error}" assert response.code.to_i == 200, "Unable to check that user identity was deleted: HTTP response from API should have code 200, was #{response.code} #{error} #{body}" assert(response = JSON.parse(body), 'Couch response should be JSON') assert response['rows'].empty?, "Identity should have been deleted for test user #{user.username} (id #{user.id}), but was not! Response was: #{body}." end end end end