# stunnel puppet module
# Copyright 2009, Riseup Networks <micah@riseup.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License version 3 as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
# 1. include stunnel: this will automatically include stunnel::debian,
#    which automatically includes stunnel::linux, which automatically
#    includes stunnel::base
# 2. stunnel::client allows you to configure different /etc/stunnel/*.conf files
#    to provide various stunnel configurations

# TODO: warn on cert/key issues, fail on false accept?

class stunnel (
  $ensure_version = 'present',
  $startboot      = '1',
  $default_extra  = '',
  $cluster        = '' )

  case $::operatingsystem {
    debian: { class { 'stunnel::debian': } }
    centos: { class {  'stunnel::centos': } }
    default: { class { 'stunnel::default': } }

  $stunnel_staging = "${::puppet_vardir}/stunnel4"
  $stunnel_compdir = "${stunnel_staging}/configs"

  file {
    [ $stunnel_staging, "${stunnel_staging}/bin" ]:
      ensure => directory,
      owner  => 0,
      group  => 0,
      mode   => '0750';

      ensure  => directory,
      owner   => 0,
      group   => 0,
      mode    => '0750',
      recurse => true,
      purge   => true,
      force   => true,
      source  => undef,
      notify  => Exec['refresh_stunnel'];

      owner   => 0,
      group   => 0,
      mode    => '0755',
      content => template('stunnel/refresh_stunnel.sh.erb');

  exec { 'refresh_stunnel':
    command => "${stunnel_staging}/bin/refresh_stunnel.sh",
    require => [ Package['stunnel4'], File['/etc/default/stunnel4'] ]