class site_webapp::couchdb { $x509 = hiera('x509') $key = $x509['key'] $cert = $x509['cert'] $ca = $x509['ca_cert'] $webapp = hiera('webapp') $couchdb_hosts = $webapp['couchdb_hosts'] # for now, pick the first couchdb host before we have a working # load balancing setup (see # which is configured through a stunnel connection, reachable # through localhost:5000 $couchdb_host = 'localhost' $couchdb_user = $webapp['couchdb_user']['username'] $couchdb_password = $webapp['couchdb_user']['password'] file { '/srv/leap-webapp/config/couchdb.yml': content => template('site_webapp/couchdb.yml.erb'), owner => leap-webapp, group => leap-webapp, mode => '0600'; '/usr/local/sbin/migrate_design_documents': source => 'puppet:///modules/site_webapp/migrate_design_documents', owner => root, group => root, mode => '0744'; } class { 'site_webapp::couchdb_stunnel': key => $key, cert => $cert, ca => $ca } exec { 'migrate_design_documents': cwd => '/srv/leap-webapp', commmand => '/usr/local/sbin/migrate_design_documents', require => Exec['bundler_update'], notify => Service['apache']; }