<%- ## ## An apache config for static websites. ## def location_directory(name, location) if ['amber', 'rack'].include?(location['format']) File.join(@base_dir, name, 'public') else File.join(@base_dir, name) end end # # document root # @document_root = begin root = '/var/www' @locations && @locations.each do |name, location| root = location_directory(name, location) if location['path'] == '/' end root.gsub(%r{^/|/$}, '') end # # provider.json # # if the domain is a bootstrap domain, we need to expose # a /provider.json file. # bootstrap_domain = scope.lookupvar('site_static::bootstrap_domain') bootstrap_client = scope.lookupvar('site_static::bootstrap_client') if ([@aliases]+[@domain]).flatten.include?(bootstrap_domain) provider_json = \ %( Alias /provider.json /srv/static/public/provider.json Header set X-Minimum-Client-Version #{bootstrap_client['min']} ) else provider_json = "" end # # locations # locations = "" @locations && @locations.each do |name, location| location_path = location['path'].gsub(%r{^/|/$}, '') directory = location_directory(name, location) local_vars = {'location_path'=>location_path, 'directory'=>directory, 'location'=>location, 'name'=>name} template_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), location['format']) + '.erb' break unless File.exists?(template_path) locations += \ %( # # #{name} (#{location['format']}) # #{scope.function_templatewlv([template_path, local_vars])} ) end # # allow custom apache config # custom_apache_config = if @apache_config @apache_config.gsub(':percent:','%') end -%> Require all granted <%- if @tor_active && (@always_use_hidden_service || @use_hidden_service) -%> ## ## Tor ## ServerName <%= @tor_domain %> <%- if @www_alias -%> ServerAlias www.<%= @tor_domain %> <%- end -%> Header set X-Frame-Options "deny" Header always unset X-Powered-By Header always unset X-Runtime DocumentRoot "/<%= @document_root %>/" AccessFileName .htaccess <%= provider_json %> <%= custom_apache_config %> <%= locations %> <%- end -%> ## ## HTTP ## ServerName <%= @domain %> <%- if @www_alias -%> ServerAlias www.<%= @tor_domain %> <%- end -%> <%- @aliases && @aliases.each do |domain_alias| -%> ServerAlias <%= domain_alias %> <%- end -%> <%- if @tls_only -%> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^.*$ https://<%= @domain -%>%{REQUEST_URI} [R=permanent,L] <%- else -%> <%= provider_json %> <%= custom_apache_config %> <%= locations %> <%- end -%> ## ## HTTPS ## ServerName <%= @domain %> <%- if @www_alias -%> ServerAlias www.<%= @tor_domain %> <%- end -%> <%- @aliases && @aliases.each do |domain_alias| -%> ServerAlias <%= domain_alias %> <%- end -%> #RewriteLog "/var/log/apache2/rewrite.log" #RewriteLogLevel 3 Include include.d/ssl_common.inc <%- if @tls_only -%> Header always set Strict-Transport-Security: "max-age=15768000;includeSubdomains" <%- end -%> Header set X-Frame-Options "deny" Header always unset X-Powered-By Header always unset X-Runtime SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/x509/keys/<%= @domain %>.key SSLCertificateFile /etc/x509/certs/<%= @domain %>.crt RequestHeader set X_FORWARDED_PROTO 'https' DocumentRoot "/<%= @document_root %>/" AccessFileName .htaccess <%= provider_json %> <%= custom_apache_config %> <%= locations %>