define site_sshd::authorized_keys ($keys, $ensure = 'present', $home = '') { # We want to purge unmanaged keys from the authorized_keys file so that only # keys added in the provider are valid. Any manually added keys will be # overridden. # # In order to do this, we have to use a custom define to deploy the # authorized_keys file because puppet's internal resource doesn't allow # purging before populating this file. # # See the following for more information: # # # # # This line allows default homedir based on $title variable. # If $home is empty, the default is used. $homedir = $home ? {'' => "/home/${title}", default => $home} file { "${homedir}/.ssh": ensure => 'directory', owner => $title, group => $title, mode => '0700'; "${homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys": ensure => $ensure, owner => $ensure ? {'present' => $title, default => undef }, group => $ensure ? {'present' => $title, default => undef }, mode => '0600', require => File["${homedir}/.ssh"], content => template('site_sshd/authorized_keys.erb'); } }