class site_shorewall::defaults { include shorewall include site_config::params # be safe for development #if ( $::virtual == 'virtualbox') { $shorewall_startup='0' } # If you want logging: shorewall::params { 'LOG': value => 'debug'; } shorewall::zone {'net': type => 'ipv4'; } # define interfaces shorewall::interface { $site_config::params::interface: zone => 'net', options => 'tcpflags,blacklist,nosmurfs'; } shorewall::policy { 'fw-to-all': sourcezone => 'fw', destinationzone => 'all', policy => 'ACCEPT', order => 100; 'all-to-all': sourcezone => 'all', destinationzone => 'all', policy => 'DROP', order => 200; } shorewall::rule { # ping party 'all2all-ping': source => 'all', destination => 'all', action => 'Ping(ACCEPT)', order => 200; } package { 'shorewall-init': ensure => installed } augeas { # stop instead of clear firewall on shutdown 'shorewall_SAFESTOP': changes => 'set /files/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf/SAFESTOP Yes', lens => 'Shellvars.lns', incl => '/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf', notify => Service[shorewall]; # require that the interface exist 'shorewall_REQUIRE_INTERFACE': changes => 'set /files/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf/REQUIRE_INTERFACE Yes', lens => 'Shellvars.lns', incl => '/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf', notify => Service[shorewall]; # configure shorewall-init 'shorewall-init': changes => 'set /files/etc/default/shorewall-init/PRODUCTS shorewall', lens => 'Shellvars.lns', incl => '/etc/default/shorewall-init', require => [ Package['shorewall-init'], Service['shorewall'] ] } include site_shorewall::sshd }