# THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY PUPPET # To make changes to this file, please edit your platform directory under # puppet/modules/site_postfix/templates/checks/helo_access.erb and then deploy # The format of this file is the HELO/EHLO domain followed by an action. # The action could be OK to allow it, REJECT to reject it, or a custom # status code and message. Any lines that are prefixed by an octothorpe (#) # will be considered comments. # Some examples: # # Reject anyone that HELO's with foobar: # foobar REJECT # # Allow the switches to skip this check: # switch1 OK # switch2 OK # Reject anybody that HELO's as being in our own domain(s) # anyone who identifies themselves as us is a virus/spammer <%= @domain %> 554 You are not in domain <%= @domain %>