class site_openvpn::resolver { # this is an unfortunate way to get around the fact that the version of # unbound we are working with does not accept a wildcard include directive # (/etc/unbound/conf.d/*), when it does, these line definitions should # go away and instead the caching_resolver should be configured to # include: /etc/unbound/conf.d/* line { 'add_tcp_resolver': ensure => present, file => '/etc/unbound/unbound.conf', line => 'server: include: /etc/unbound/conf.d/vpn_tcp_resolver', notify => Service['unbound']; 'add_udp_resolver': ensure => present, file => '/etc/unbound/unbound.conf', line => 'server: include: /etc/unbound/conf.d/vpn_udp_resolver', notify => Service['unbound']; } file { '/etc/unbound/conf.d/vpn_udp_resolver': content => "interface: ${site_openvpn::openvpn_udp_network_prefix}.1\naccess-control: ${site_openvpn::openvpn_udp_network_prefix}.0/${site_openvpn::openvpn_udp_netmask} allow\n", owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', require => Service['openvpn']; '/etc/unbound/conf.d/vpn_tcp_resolver': content => "interface: ${site_openvpn::openvpn_tcp_network_prefix}.1\naccess-control: ${site_openvpn::openvpn_tcp_network_prefix}.0/${site_openvpn::openvpn_tcp_netmask} allow\n", owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', require => Service['openvpn']; } }