# # An openvpn gateway can support three modes: # # (1) limited and unlimited # (2) unlimited only # (3) limited only # # The difference is that 'unlimited' gateways only allow client certs that match # the 'unlimited_prefix', and 'limited' gateways only allow certs that match the # 'limited_prefix'. # # We potentially create four openvpn config files (thus four daemons): # # (1) unlimited + tcp => tcp_config.conf # (2) unlimited + udp => udp_config.conf # (3) limited + tcp => limited_tcp_config.conf # (4) limited + udp => limited_udp_config.conf # class site_openvpn { tag 'leap_service' include site_config::x509::cert include site_config::x509::key include site_config::x509::ca_bundle include site_config::default Class['site_config::default'] -> Class['site_openvpn'] include ::site_obfsproxy $openvpn = hiera('openvpn') $openvpn_ports = $openvpn['ports'] $openvpn_config = $openvpn['configuration'] if $::ec2_instance_id { $openvpn_gateway_address = $::ipaddress } else { $openvpn_gateway_address = $openvpn['gateway_address'] if $openvpn['second_gateway_address'] { $openvpn_second_gateway_address = $openvpn['second_gateway_address'] } else { $openvpn_second_gateway_address = undef } } $openvpn_allow_unlimited = $openvpn['allow_unlimited'] $openvpn_unlimited_prefix = $openvpn['unlimited_prefix'] $openvpn_unlimited_tcp_network_prefix = '10.41.0' $openvpn_unlimited_tcp_netmask = '' $openvpn_unlimited_tcp_cidr = '21' $openvpn_unlimited_udp_network_prefix = '10.42.0' $openvpn_unlimited_udp_netmask = '' $openvpn_unlimited_udp_cidr = '21' if !$::ec2_instance_id { $openvpn_allow_limited = $openvpn['allow_limited'] $openvpn_limited_prefix = $openvpn['limited_prefix'] $openvpn_rate_limit = $openvpn['rate_limit'] $openvpn_limited_tcp_network_prefix = '10.43.0' $openvpn_limited_tcp_netmask = '' $openvpn_limited_tcp_cidr = '21' $openvpn_limited_udp_network_prefix = '10.44.0' $openvpn_limited_udp_netmask = '' $openvpn_limited_udp_cidr = '21' } # find out the netmask in cidr format of the primary IF # thx to https://blog.kumina.nl/tag/puppet-tips-and-tricks/ # we can do this using an inline_template: $factname_primary_netmask = "netmask_cidr_${::site_config::params::interface}" $primary_netmask = inline_template('<%= scope.lookupvar(factname_primary_netmask) %>') # deploy dh keys include site_openvpn::dh_key if $openvpn_allow_unlimited and $openvpn_allow_limited { $unlimited_gateway_address = $openvpn_gateway_address $limited_gateway_address = $openvpn_second_gateway_address } elsif $openvpn_allow_unlimited { $unlimited_gateway_address = $openvpn_gateway_address $limited_gateway_address = undef } elsif $openvpn_allow_limited { $unlimited_gateway_address = undef $limited_gateway_address = $openvpn_gateway_address } if $openvpn_allow_unlimited { site_openvpn::server_config { 'tcp_config': port => '1194', proto => 'tcp', local => $unlimited_gateway_address, tls_remote => "\"${openvpn_unlimited_prefix}\"", server => "${openvpn_unlimited_tcp_network_prefix}.0 ${openvpn_unlimited_tcp_netmask}", push => "\"dhcp-option DNS ${openvpn_unlimited_tcp_network_prefix}.1\"", management => ' 1000', config => $openvpn_config } site_openvpn::server_config { 'udp_config': port => '1194', proto => 'udp', local => $unlimited_gateway_address, tls_remote => "\"${openvpn_unlimited_prefix}\"", server => "${openvpn_unlimited_udp_network_prefix}.0 ${openvpn_unlimited_udp_netmask}", push => "\"dhcp-option DNS ${openvpn_unlimited_udp_network_prefix}.1\"", management => ' 1001', config => $openvpn_config } } else { tidy { '/etc/openvpn/tcp_config.conf': } tidy { '/etc/openvpn/udp_config.conf': } } if $openvpn_allow_limited { site_openvpn::server_config { 'limited_tcp_config': port => '1194', proto => 'tcp', local => $limited_gateway_address, tls_remote => "\"${openvpn_limited_prefix}\"", server => "${openvpn_limited_tcp_network_prefix}.0 ${openvpn_limited_tcp_netmask}", push => "\"dhcp-option DNS ${openvpn_limited_tcp_network_prefix}.1\"", management => ' 1002', config => $openvpn_config } site_openvpn::server_config { 'limited_udp_config': port => '1194', proto => 'udp', local => $limited_gateway_address, tls_remote => "\"${openvpn_limited_prefix}\"", server => "${openvpn_limited_udp_network_prefix}.0 ${openvpn_limited_udp_netmask}", push => "\"dhcp-option DNS ${openvpn_limited_udp_network_prefix}.1\"", management => ' 1003', config => $openvpn_config } } else { tidy { '/etc/openvpn/limited_tcp_config.conf': } tidy { '/etc/openvpn/limited_udp_config.conf': } } file { '/usr/local/bin/add_gateway_ips.sh': content => template('site_openvpn/add_gateway_ips.sh.erb'), mode => '0755'; } exec { '/usr/local/bin/add_gateway_ips.sh': subscribe => File['/usr/local/bin/add_gateway_ips.sh'], } exec { 'restart_openvpn': command => '/etc/init.d/openvpn restart', refreshonly => true, subscribe => [ File['/etc/openvpn'], Class['Site_config::X509::Key'], Class['Site_config::X509::Cert'], Class['Site_config::X509::Ca_bundle'] ], require => [ Package['openvpn'], File['/etc/openvpn'], Class['Site_config::X509::Key'], Class['Site_config::X509::Cert'], Class['Site_config::X509::Ca_bundle'] ]; } cron { 'add_gateway_ips.sh': command => '/usr/local/bin/add_gateway_ips.sh', user => 'root', special => 'reboot', } # setup the resolver to listen on the vpn IP include site_openvpn::resolver include site_shorewall::eip # In wheezy, we need the openvpn backport to get the 2.3 version of # openvpn which has proper ipv6 support include site_apt::preferences::openvpn package { 'openvpn': ensure => latest, require => Class['site_apt::preferences::openvpn']; } service { 'openvpn': ensure => running, hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true, require => [ Package['openvpn'], Exec['concat_/etc/default/openvpn'] ]; } file { '/etc/openvpn': ensure => directory, notify => Exec['restart_openvpn'], require => Package['openvpn']; } file { '/etc/openvpn/keys': ensure => directory, require => Package['openvpn']; } concat { '/etc/default/openvpn': owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, warn => true, notify => Service['openvpn']; } concat::fragment { 'openvpn.default.header': content => template('openvpn/etc-default-openvpn.erb'), target => '/etc/default/openvpn', order => 01; } concat::fragment { "openvpn.default.autostart.${name}": content => 'AUTOSTART=all', target => '/etc/default/openvpn', order => 10; } leap::logfile { 'openvpn': } # Because we currently do not support ipv6 and instead block it (so no leaks # happen), we get a large number of these messages, so we ignore them (#6540) rsyslog::snippet { '01-ignore_icmpv6_send': content => ':msg, contains, "icmpv6_send: no reply to icmp error" ~' } include site_check_mk::agent::openvpn }