class site_config::setup { tag 'leap_base' # # this is applied before each run of site.pp # #$services = '' Exec { path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin/:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin' } include site_config::params include concat::setup include stdlib # parse services for host $services=join(hiera_array('services', ['']), ' ') notice("Services for ${fqdn}: ${services}") # configure /etc/hosts class { 'site_config::hosts': stage => setup, } include site_config::initial_firewall include site_apt package { 'facter': ensure => latest, require => Exec['refresh_apt'] } # if squid_deb_proxy_client is set to true, install and configure # squid_deb_proxy_client for apt caching if hiera('squid_deb_proxy_client', false) { include site_squid_deb_proxy::client } # shorewall is installed/half-configured during setup.pp (Bug #3871) # we need to include shorewall::interface{eth0} in setup.pp so # packages can be installed during main puppetrun, even before shorewall # is configured completly if ( $::site_config::params::environment == 'local' ) { include site_config::vagrant } # if class site_custom::setup exists, include it. # possibility for users to define custom puppet recipes if defined( '::site_custom::setup') { include ::site_custom::setup } }