# # Sometimes when we upgrade the platform, we need to ensure that files that # the platform previously created will get removed. # # These file removals don't need to be kept forever: we only need to remove # files that are present in the prior platform release. # # We can assume that the every node is upgraded from the previous platform # release. # class site_config::remove::files { # # Platform 0.8 removals # tidy { '/etc/apache/sites-enabled/leap_webapp.conf': notify => Service['apache']; } # # Platform 0.7 removals # tidy { '/etc/rsyslog.d/99-tapicero.conf':; '/etc/rsyslog.d/99-leap-mx.conf':; '/etc/rsyslog.d/01-webapp.conf':; '/etc/rsyslog.d/50-stunnel.conf':; '/etc/logrotate.d/mx':; '/etc/logrotate.d/stunnel':; '/var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log':; 'leap_mx': path => '/var/log/', recurse => true, matches => 'leap_mx*'; '/srv/leap/webapp/public/provider.json':; '/srv/leap/couchdb/designs/tmp_users': recurse => true, rmdirs => true; '/etc/leap/soledad-server.conf':; } if member($::services, 'webapp') { tidy { '/etc/apache/sites-enabled/leap_webapp.conf': notify => Service['apache']; } } # leax-mx logged to /var/log/leap_mx.log in the past # we need to use a dumb exec here because file_line doesn't # allow removing lines that match a regex in the current version # of stdlib, see https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/MODULES-1903 exec { 'rm_old_leap_mx_log_destination': command => "/bin/sed -i '/leap_mx.log/d' /etc/check_mk/logwatch.state", onlyif => "/bin/grep -qe 'leap_mx.log' /etc/check_mk/logwatch.state" } # Don't use check_mk logwatch to watch bigcouch logs anymore # see https://leap.se/code/issues/7375 for more details file { '/etc/check_mk/logwatch.d/bigcouch.cfg': ensure => absent, notify => [ Exec['remove_bigcouch_logwatch_spoolfiles'], Exec['remove_bigcouch_logwatch_stateline'] ] } # remove leftover bigcouch logwatch spool files exec { 'remove_bigcouch_logwatch_spoolfiles': command => 'find /var/lib/check_mk/logwatch -name \'\\opt\\bigcouch\\var\\log\\bigcouch.log\' -exec rm {} \;', refreshonly => true, } exec { 'remove_bigcouch_logwatch_stateline': command => "sed -i '/bigcouch.log/d' /etc/check_mk/logwatch.state", refreshonly => true, } }