class site_config::hosts() { $hosts = hiera('hosts', false) $hostname = hiera('name') $domain_hash = hiera('domain') $domain_public = $domain_hash['full_suffix'] file { '/etc/hostname': ensure => present, content => $hostname } exec { "/bin/hostname ${hostname}": subscribe => [ File['/etc/hostname'], File['/etc/hosts'] ], refreshonly => true; } # we depend on reliable hostnames from /etc/hosts for the stunnel services # so restart stunnel service when /etc/hosts is modified # because this is done in an early stage, the stunnel module may not # have been deployed and will not be available for overriding, so # this is handled in an unorthodox manner exec { '/etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart': subscribe => File['/etc/hosts'], refreshonly => true, onlyif => 'test -f /etc/init.d/stunnel4'; } file { '/etc/hosts': content => template('site_config/hosts'), mode => '0644', owner => root, group => root; } }