class site_config::caching_resolver { # Setup a conf.d directory to place additional unbound configuration files # there must be at least one file in the directory, or unbound will not # start, so create an empty placeholder to ensure this file { '/etc/unbound/conf.d': ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0755'; '/etc/unbound/conf.d/placeholder': ensure => present, content => '', owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644'; } class { 'unbound': root_hints => false, anchor => false, ssl => false, require => File['/etc/unbound/conf.d/placeholder'], settings => { server => { verbosity => '1', interface => [ '', '::1' ], port => '53', hide-identity => 'yes', hide-version => 'yes', harden-glue => 'yes', access-control => [ ' allow', '::1 allow' ], include => '/etc/unbound/conf.d/*' } } } }