class site_check_mk::server { $ssh_hash = hiera('ssh') $pubkey = $ssh_hash['authorized_keys']['monitor']['key'] $type = $ssh_hash['authorized_keys']['monitor']['type'] $seckey = $ssh_hash['monitor']['private_key'] $ssh_port = $ssh_hash['port'] $nagios_hiera = hiera_hash('nagios') $hosts = $nagios_hiera['hosts'] $all_hosts = inline_template ('<% @hosts.keys.sort.each do |key| -%>"<%= @hosts[key]["domain_internal"] %>", <% end -%>') package { 'check-mk-server': ensure => installed, } # override paths to use the system check_mk rather than OMD class { 'check_mk::config': site => '', etc_dir => '/etc', nagios_subdir => 'nagios3', bin_dir => '/usr/bin', host_groups => undef, require => Package['check-mk-server'] } Exec['check_mk-reload'] -> Service['nagios'] file { '/etc/check_mk/conf.d/': content => template('site_check_mk/'), notify => Exec['check_mk-refresh']; '/etc/check_mk/all_hosts_static': content => $all_hosts, notify => Exec['check_mk-refresh']; '/etc/check_mk/.ssh': ensure => directory; '/etc/check_mk/.ssh/id_rsa': content => $seckey, owner => 'nagios', mode => '0600'; '/etc/check_mk/.ssh/': content => "${type} ${pubkey} monitor", owner => 'nagios', mode => '0644'; } include check_mk::agent::local_checks }