class site_check_mk::agent::logwatch { # Deploy mk_logwatch 1.2.4 so we can split the config # into multiple config files in /etc/check_mk/logwatch.d # see file { '/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/mk_logwatch': source => 'puppet:///modules/site_check_mk/agent/plugins/mk_logwatch.1.2.4', mode => '0755' } # only config files that watch a distinct logfile should go in logwatch.d/ file { '/etc/check_mk/logwatch.d': ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true, } # service that share a common logfile (i.e. /var/log/syslog) need to get # concanated in one file, otherwise the last file sourced will override # the config before # see mk_logwatch: "logwatch.cfg overwrites config files in logwatch.d", # # first, we need to deploy a custom logwatch.cfg that doesn't include # a section about /var/log/syslog file { '/etc/check_mk/logwatch.cfg': source => 'puppet:///modules/site_check_mk/agent/logwatch/logwatch.cfg', require => Package['check_mk-agent-logwatch'] } include concat::setup include site_check_mk::agent::logwatch::syslog }