# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT. # logwatch.cfg # This file configures mk_logwatch. Define your logfiles # and patterns to be looked for here. # Name one or more logfiles /var/log/messages # Patterns are indented with one space are prefixed with: # C: Critical messages # W: Warning messages # I: ignore these lines (OK) # The first match decided. Lines that do not match any pattern # are ignored C Fail event detected on md device I mdadm.*: Rebuild.*event detected W mdadm\[ W ata.*hard resetting link W ata.*soft reset failed (.*FIS failed) W device-mapper: thin:.*reached low water mark C device-mapper: thin:.*no free space /var/log/auth.log W sshd.*Corrupted MAC on input /var/log/kern.log C panic C Oops W generic protection rip W .*Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed