#!/bin/bash # # todo: # - thresholds # - couch response time # - make CURL/URL/DBLIST_EXCLUDE vars configurable # - move load_nagios_utils() to helper library so we can use it from multiple scripts start_time=$(date +%s.%N) CURL='curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc' URL='' TMPFILE=$(mktemp) DBLIST_EXCLUDE='user-' PREFIX='Couchdb_' load_nagios_utils () { # load the nagios utils # in debian, the package nagios-plugins-common installs utils.sh to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/utils.sh utilsfn= for d in $PROGPATH /usr/lib/nagios/plugins /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins /usr/local/nagios/libexec /opt/nagios-plugins/libexec . ; do if [ -f "$d/utils.sh" ]; then utilsfn=$d/utils.sh; fi done if [ "$utilsfn" = "" ]; then echo "UNKNOWN - cannot find utils.sh (part of nagios plugins)"; exit 3; fi . "$utilsfn"; STATE[$STATE_OK]='OK' STATE[$STATE_WARNING]='Warning' STATE[$STATE_CRITICAL]='Critical' STATE[$STATE_UNKNOWN]='Unknown' STATE[$STATE_DEPENDENT]='Dependend' } get_global_stats_perf () { trap "localexit=3" ERR local localexit db_count localexit=0 # get a list of all dbs $CURL -X GET $URL/_all_dbs | json_pp | egrep -v '(\[|\])' > $TMPFILE db_count=$( wc -l < $TMPFILE) excluded_db_count=$( grep -c "$DBLIST_EXCLUDE" $TMPFILE ) echo "db_count=$db_count|excluded_db_count=$excluded_db_count" return ${localexit} } db_stats () { trap "localexit=3" ERR local db db_stats doc_count del_doc_count localexit localexit=0 db=$1 perf="$perf|${db}_docs=$( $CURL -s -X GET ${URL}/$db | json_pp |grep 'doc_count' | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' )" db_stats=$( $CURL -s -X GET ${URL}/$db | json_pp ) doc_count=$( echo "$db_stats" | grep 'doc_count' | grep -v 'deleted_doc_count' | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' ) del_doc_count=$( echo "$db_stats" | grep 'doc_del_count' | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' ) # don't divide by zero if [ $del_doc_count -eq 0 ] then del_doc_perc=0 else del_doc_perc=$(( del_doc_count * 100 / doc_count )) fi bytes=$( echo "$db_stats" | grep disk_size | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' ) disk_size=$( echo "scale = 2; $bytes / 1024 / 1024" | bc -l ) echo -n "${localexit} ${PREFIX}${db}_database ${db}_docs=$doc_count|${db}_deleted_docs=$del_doc_count|${db}_deleted_docs_percentage=${del_doc_perc}%" printf "|${db}_disksize_mb=%02.2fmb ${STATE[localexit]}: database $db\n" "$disk_size" return ${localexit} } # main load_nagios_utils # per-db stats # get a list of all dbs $CURL -X GET $URL/_all_dbs | json_pp | egrep -v '(\[|\])' > $TMPFILE # get list of dbs to check dbs=$( grep -v "${DBLIST_EXCLUDE}" $TMPFILE | tr -d '\n"' | sed 's/,/ /g' ) for db in $dbs do db_stats "$db" done # show global couchdb stats global_stats_perf=$(get_global_stats_perf) exitcode=$? end_time=$(date +%s.%N) duration=$( echo "scale = 2; $end_time - $start_time" | bc -l ) printf "${exitcode} ${PREFIX}global_stats ${global_stats_perf}|script_duration=%02.2fs ${STATE[exitcode]}: global couchdb status\n" "$duration"