# puppet-rsyslog [](https://travis-ci.org/saz/puppet-rsyslog) Manage rsyslog client and server via Puppet ## REQUIREMENTS * Puppet >=2.6 if using parameterized classes * Currently supports Ubuntu >=11.04 & Debian running rsyslog >=4.5 ## USAGE ### Client #### Using default values ``` class { 'rsyslog::client': } ``` #### Variables and default values ``` class { 'rsyslog::client': log_remote => true, spool_size => '1g', remote_type => 'tcp', remote_forward_format => 'RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat', log_local => false, log_auth_local => false, custom_config => undef, custom_params => undef, server => 'log', port => '514', remote_servers => false, ssl_ca => undef, log_templates => false, actionfiletemplate => false } ``` for read from file ``` rsyslog::imfile { 'my-imfile': file_name => '/some/file', file_tag => 'mytag', file_facility => 'myfacility', } ``` #### Defining custom logging templates The `log_templates` parameter can be used to set up custom logging templates, which can be used for local and/or remote logging. More detail on template formats can be found in the [rsyslog documentation](http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/rsyslog_conf_templates.html). The following examples sets up a custom logging template as per [RFC3164fmt](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3164.txt): ```puppet class{'rsyslog::client': log_templates => [ { name => 'RFC3164fmt', template => '<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg%', }, ] } ``` #### Logging to multiple remote servers The `remote_servers` parameter can be used to set up logging to multiple remote servers which are supplied as a list of key value pairs for each remote. There is an example configuration provided in `./test/multiple_hosts.pp` Using the `remote_servers` parameter over-rides the other remote sever parameters, and they will not be used in the client configuration file: * `log_remote` * `remote_type` * `server` * `port` The following example sets up three remote logging hosts for the client: ```puppet class{'rsyslog::client': remote_servers => [ { host => 'logs.example.org', }, { port => '55514', }, { host => 'logs.somewhere.com', port => '555', pattern => '*.log', protocol => 'tcp', format => 'RFC3164fmt', }, ] } ``` Each host has the following parameters: * *host*: Sets the address or hostname of the remote logging server. Defaults to `localhost` * *port*: Sets the port the host is listening on. Defaults to `514` * *pattern*: Sets the pattern to match logs. Defaults to `*.*` * *protocol*: Sets the protocol. Only recognises TCP and UDP. Defaults to UDP * *format*: Sets the log format. Defaults to not specifying log format, which defaults to the format set by `ActionFileDefaultTemplate` in the client configuration. #### Logging to a MySQL or PostgreSQL database Events can also be logged to a MySQL or PostgreSQL database. The database needs to be deployed separately, either locally or remotely. Schema are available from the `rsyslog` source: * [MySQL schema](http://git.adiscon.com/?p=rsyslog.git;a=blob_plain;f=plugins/ommysql/createDB.sql) * [PostgreSQL schema](http://git.adiscon.com/?p=rsyslog.git;a=blob_plain;f=plugins/ompgsql/createDB.sql) Declare the following to configure the connection: ```` class { 'rsyslog::database': backend => 'mysql', server => 'localhost', database => 'Syslog', username => 'rsyslog', password => 'secret', } ```` ### Server #### Using default values ``` class { 'rsyslog::server': } ``` #### Variables and default values ``` class { 'rsyslog::server': enable_tcp => true, enable_udp => true, enable_onefile => false, server_dir => '/srv/log/', custom_config => undef, high_precision_timestamps => false, } ``` Both can be installed at the same time. ## PARAMETERS The following lists all the class parameters this module accepts. RSYSLOG::SERVER CLASS PARAMETERS VALUES DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- enable_tcp true,false Enable TCP listener. Defaults to true. enable_udp true,false Enable UDP listener. Defaults to true. enable_onefile true,false Only one logfile per remote host. Defaults to false. server_dir STRING Folder where logs will be stored on the server. Defaults to '/srv/log/' custom_config STRING Specify your own template to use for server config. Defaults to undef. Example usage: custom_config => 'rsyslog/my_config.erb' high_precision_timestamps true,false Whether or not to use high precision timestamps. remote_servers HASH Provides a hash of multiple remote logging servers. Check documentation. RSYSLOG::CLIENT CLASS PARAMETERS VALUES DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- log_remote true,false Log Remotely. Defaults to true. spool_size STRING Max size for disk queue if remote server failed. Defaults to '1g'. remote_type 'tcp','udp' Which protocol to use when logging remotely. Defaults to 'tcp'. remote_forward_format STRING Which forward format for remote servers should be used. Only used if remote_servers is false. log_local true,false Log locally. Defaults to false. log_auth_local true,false Just log auth facility locally. Defaults to false. custom_config STRING Specify your own template to use for client config. Defaults to undef. Example usage: custom_config => 'rsyslog/my_config.erb' custom_params TODO TODO server STRING Rsyslog server to log to. Will be used in the client configuration file. Only used, if remote_servers is false. port '514' Remote server port. Only used if remote_servers is false. remote_servers Array of hashes Array of hashes with remote servers. See documentation above. Defaults to false. ssl_ca STRING SSL CA file location. Defaults to undef. log_templates HASH Provides a has defining custom logging templates using the `$template` configuration parameter. actionfiletemplate STRING If set this defines the `ActionFileDefaultTemplate` which sets the default logging format for remote and local logging. RSYSLOG::DATABASE CLASS PARAMETERS VALUES DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- backend 'mysql','pgsql' Database backend (MySQL or PostgreSQL). server STRING Database server. database STRING Database name. username STRING Database username. password STRING Database password. ### Other notes Due to a missing feature in current RELP versions (InputRELPServerBindRuleset option), remote logging is using TCP. You can switch between TCP and UDP. As soon as there is a new RELP version which supports setting Rulesets, I will add support for relp back. By default, rsyslog::server will strip numbers from hostnames. This means the logs of multiple servers with the same non-numerical name will be aggregrated in a single directory. i.e. www01 www02 and www02 would all log to the www directory. To log each host to a seperate directory, set the custom_config parameter to 'rsyslog/server-hostname.conf.erb' If any of the following parameters are set to `false`, then the module will not manage the respective package: gnutls_package_name relp_package_name rsyslog_package_name This can be used when using the adiscon PPA repository, that has merged rsyslog-gnutls with the main rsyslog package.